
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by HenryB

  1. Hi Rob: Your story is very moving. I am age 70 and all I have to deal with post-stroke s right-sided weakness. Recovery is a daily challenge and requires a fighting spirit. There's a lot of help out there and studies you can apply for. I got into the FASTEST trial here in NYC, and its hard work, but there is hope, so keep fighting! All the best, Henry

  2. Hi Yvonne. Thank you for your kind post. The FASTEST study is a lot of work--getting used to the e-stim has been a major challenge. But I am walking without an AFO, and that's amazing! I'll post a blog about the study at a later time. Thanks SO MUCH for organizing the meeting where we learned about FASTEST. Good luck with your therapy, and I hope to see you soon. Best, Henry

  3. Thanks for your post, Asha. I can't use my right hand, but I'm learning to work around it. I've learned to get my own breakfast! I live alone and an important goal for me is to become independent. My therapists say I can achieve this. I'm interested in this study at UMDNJ on mirror box therapy for the arm and hand that Oriana blogged about and said that she would help you find out about. I'm so grateful to have been accepted into the FASTEST (Bioness) study at Weill-Cornell in NYC! I'll blog about that when I get further along. All the best to you and your family.
  4. Oriana, you are not alone. I live in NYC, and this cold, wet weather has me down, too. For the second day, I decided not to go outside for my walk, I think for the first time since I came home from rehab 16 months ago! The plus side side is that I got to walk several laps in the hall of my building to see how fast I could walk with the e-stim device and I did very well. You have given us a lot of hope on SN, with your great attitude and determination to recover. Your old self is gone--forget it, but your new post-stroke self gives everyone here a new boost in recovery. You have a great deal to give others as you move ahead. Crying is OK! I'm 70, and I find myself breaking down all the time--fancy, a 70 yo ex-Marine! All the best, Henry
  5. Hi Rubye: Yes, you never will be the same again. I'm a year and a half post stroke, and I have to accept that I'm not going back to who I was before my stroke. Although recovery is a huge challenge, success means I have to move forward, not look back. You can do it! I recommend newbie chat on Sundays at 8 pm. SN will give you the support you need to move ahead. Your friend, Henry

  6. Hi Wayne: Good luck with your surgery! I hope it leads to a good recovery for you. I found that there are many professionals out there who want to help us, and you're getting the help. Deficits take time and hard work. I got myself into a study here in NYC to help survivors over 65 walk normally and I'm really grateful for the help I'm getting. I'll be thinking about and pra...

  7. Keep posting, Leese! See you at newbie chat, Sundays. Your friend, Henry

  8. Hi Yvonne! The first time I've read your profile. I'm a great fan of yours, as you know. I aspire to achieve your kind of recovery. All the best to you as we make progress. Your friend, Henry

  9. Hi Dr. Oriana: I'm Henry, ischemic stroke 10-9-09, right sided-weakness, age 70. I thought you would be interested in hearing about the FASTEST trial. I was accepted as a subject 3 weeks ago (Weill Cornell Medical Center). I have started to work with the L300 and it looks very promising. Dr. Michael O'Dell is chief investigator. I too believe that recovery is ongoing, and one should never give up! Thanks for your insight about plateaus. All the best with your recovery.
  10. Hi Kim: I'm Henry, age 70, survivor, stroke 10/09/09, ischemic event, deficits--right sided weakness. Very sorry to hear about Andy. You did the right thing to move where your family can give you support. Be careful walking, any new environment can throw you off balance. See a doctor about being assessed for therapy, even if you've been there before. Let us help you as we can. SN is great! All the best.
  11. Hi MaryJo: I am Henry, survivor, age 70, ischemic stroke, right-sided weakness, no comorbidities, 1 1/2 yrs. post-stroke. Thank God Dan has a dedicated wife like you. If I marry, may I be so lucky! I'll pray for both you and Dan, prayer helps. With an error like this, and a life threatening situation, you might be calling malpractice lawyers. Instead you are focusing on being there for Dan. Acceptance of God's will is so important. You are a fine example for me. Thinking of and praying for you, and for a successful surgery for Dan, Henry
  12. HenryB


    Hi Katrina: I'm only 1 yr 11 months post stroke, but I was surprised to hear that you ventured outside w/o wearing your AFO. I guess you're still waiting to see a therapist, but if they gave you an AFO, I would wear it when walking until the therapist says you can walk without it. I have foot drop, too, and for me, walking outside without the AFO is a major FALL RISK. You have been through a lot, but being young gives you, I hope and pray, many years to work on your recovery. I am 70, and every day I see new vistas and opportunities in recovery. All the best. Your friend, Henry Henry
  13. Hi Lydia: I think you are perfectly justified in not wanting to be hugged or touched, except by hubby. I belong to a fellowship where hugging is very common. I don't always like it, and after stroke my balance is still shaky, so getting hugs involves safety. Just make sure there isn't a physical cause--your meds, for instance. All the best, HenryB
  14. Hi Fred: I'm HenryB, age 70, 1 1/2 years (in april} post-stroke, rightsided weakness. Thanks for your posts--you've given me a lot. I think you said you're Army, ret. I was USMCR in the sixties, was only a "typewriter hauncho", but made cpl. and served my country. Keep sharing, you've helped a lot of people. Best, Henry

  15. Interests: reading; listening to classical music; swimming; walking; ballroom dancing