
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by mlp

  1. Glad you found someone to spend time with. Finishing up here with summer. It would be wonderful if summer was followed by spring. I actually love the fall but it is ruined because it is followed by winter.I just got my cast removed today from my wrist, broke 2 bones in a fall. One of my main fears in winter, slipping on ice.Enjoy your garden and summer. Blessings Lynn

  2. 'M also in the same boat at 12 yrs but had a mishap on Fri. When I tripped on rug and broke my wrist in 2 places. Thank God husband home to get me off floor; thinkI might get the medical alert necklace since he is gone so often.Drs. also did C.t. scan just to make sureI didn't o any more damage when I hit my head. Not a good start to summer but at least it wasn't my right one then I would be in bigger trouble..Light cars and sling for upto6-8 weeks.blessings Lynn

  3. That is great news. I still have to go every 5 yes because my mom passed with colon cancer and sister has had precancerous polyps.Fortunately I've been free of these .Hoping they will have another way of testing in 5 yrs., maybe blood test. Fingers crossed. Blessings Lynn

  4. I wrote an update but its' in cyberspace.Idon'tuse my laptop often but mostly my ipad and have trouble posting on it. I've joined a stroke group on facebook because I can navigate on that better while checking on my family's postings.I'll try to check here more often because I miss a lot of information and details on friends here.I made a New Years resolution 1/1/16 and broke it in 2/16 with an endometrial biopsy which fortunately was negative,.Wed. I turn 66 and ready to say goodby to this 65th year of blessingsLynn

  5. Bronco game insane!! We do all we can for our kids and hope they learn. So difficult watching them learn the hard way. So very sorry for the loss of your grandson.We must trust in God's way even when we don't understand His ways. May 2016 be a year of healing for us all. Blessings mlp