
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by mlp

  1. mlp

    Happy Anniversary mlp!

  2. mlp

    Happy Anniversary mlp!

  3. mlp

    Happy Anniversary mlp!

  4. slow but steady, a little shaky ; blessings

  5. hello and welcome lady regina. you will find a lot of info and meet new friends on this site. blessings lynn

  6. just wanted to say hello and welcome to the home of the most caring and informative people you can meet. blessings lynn

  7. just saw your newest pics of flowers. they're beautiful. waiting for snow to melt to get busy. blessings lynn

  8. welcome to our wonderful supportive community blessings mlp lynn

  9. mlp

    fred happy anniversary on joining stroke network. you have brought so many smiles and laughs,you are a blessing mlp lynn

  10. what a beautiful avatar blessingsmlp

  11. sorry about the ravens. too bad they couldn't call the game at halftime.blessings mlp

  12. mlp

    fred happy anniversary. hope the slots were good to both your wife and yourself.we now have a countdown on our homepage to easter yay!i got rid of frosty asap.blessingsmlp

  13. hi jeanniebean i saw that you live in ga. i hope you survived the ice and snow. here in ny upstate they're talking about a second bliaazrd on wed. i really hate the snow. it would be find if winter was 3mos. and not 6.blessings mlp

  14. mlp

    a quick hello and welcome to the network. you will find a lot of support ,kindness,friends and infoblessings mlp

  15. mlp

    hey fred just wanted to wish you a very merry christmas thanks for always keeping our spirits up and remembering all the sacrifices our troops are making esp. this time of year. let us all keep them in our prayers everyday. mlp

  16. hey kelli april we're both taurus, the bull, so we're pretty stubborn and will keep on trucking. lynn

  17. i think and pray for you often. please continue to let us know how you're doing blessings to you
