
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. mlp

    65 in april

    haven't been on site in long time. I turned 65 in April and had to go to Boston for eye surgery in May; I had a precancerous lesion that needed to be removed. my previous eye surgeon did not want to do it because it involved a graft and she hasn't done very many. Thankfully all went well and I healed well. In August I had emergency gall bladder surgery. I went in on a Sun. but wasn't operated on until thurs. because I'm on the blood thinner eliquis and had to get that out of my system first. the 45 min. surgery took 21/2 Dr. said it was" grossly infected and inflamed..." yuck the staff was wonderful, my fellow patients were not! While waiting for surgery one patient put tv on at 4:15 A.M. I didn't say anything until the next morning when it went on at 4:30 AM and asked to have it turned down. There was a lot of drama going on including a different roommate whose daughter was using our shower to get ready for going out partying. on my way to surgery I overheard a nurse say they had a difficult patient who needed to be moved; guess whose room she went blood pressure went very high and they almost didn't let me go home the next day. I told them I thought I was at risk for another stroke if I didn't get home.My cardiologist had to intervene wen heart rate went to 135 resting and bp was going nuts. thankfully after a lot of hassle all went well . Next in line is a Nov. colonoscopy which I delayed from my Sept. app"t.I don' want to wish my life away but I can hardly wait for 65 to be over . I haven't been using my computer much since getting an ipad for my birthday and first operation > hopefully I can get my stroke network on it now that I hopefully have my password straightened out.I have a lot of reading and catching up to do. I hope you are all doing well and improving. blessings lynn
  2. mlp

    Happy Anniversary mlp!

  3. I too will be watching as many games as possible. may the season find you well and wishes for a merry blessed Christmas for you and all the family. blessings lynn
  4. wishing you many blessings and very happy that you are getting out more and seeing people. your post is very uplifting.
  5. mlp

    Happy Anniversary mlp!

  6. mlp

    great trip

    went to maine with my 2 sisters and niece for 5 days and had a wonderful time .i love watching the ocean. i am so blessed to have the family I do. we sometimes laugh so hard I honestly lose my breath. we try to go every other year missing last yr. because of the birth of my grandson who just turned was a lot of fun, food , shopping, ocean and beautiful weather without only problem was my foot was really swollen at night from too much walking and not having it up at went down once I was home again; the 4hr. trip didn't help. hope you have all enjoyed your summer. blessings lynn
  7. mlp

    50 years on

    you are a gutsy woman. you are tackling things you prefer not to, but do anyway. i'm glad you're going out with your girlfriend. hopefully those invitations will come easier. are you coming into summer now? today summer ends at 10:29pm. bummer. this would be my favorite time of year if only it was followed by spring. hopefully Shirley will be able to visit more often. how old is Christopher at 6 ft? blessings lynn
  8. mlp

    Doing A Little Traveling

    have a great time checking out the treasures; just be careful .hope you have a cell phone with you. it sounds very adventurous.blessings lynn
  9. mlp

    filling in time

    sue didn't you do some work for your church? maybe when you're ready you could do one of their benefits,choir or luncheons. do you have some day bus trips to some place you'd like to see that doesn't cost too much like they do here?thinkin of you blessing lynn ] ]
  10. mlp

    hubby home

    hubby had aorta valve replaced with pig's valve may 8th.the surgeon was able to do the mini chest 4 in. incision instead of the full chest cracking and therefore had an easier time in recovery than if he had to do the full chest breaking. we are very grateful for the prayers and God's blessings .he was able to come home in 4 days ;.home on mother's day. my son has been helping us out and I stayed at my sister's until he was released. I feel exhausted and think is mostly stressed related. tomorrow is my regular checkup.the last time I saw him my heart was in a-fib and was sent to a cardioolgist by the time I got there it was back in rythym. I am now on elqiuis.I went through my 1100 emails which I neglected for 2 months and hope to finish tonight. I hope to have things somewhat normal soon.blesings mlp
  11. mlp

    quick entry

    sorry this is so quick but after blogging for an hour, I lost the draft. :growl: here it is in short form birth of grandson. computer stcking isgetitng me crazy husband's father passed last yr. mother passed good friday. husband heart surgery may 7th replacing aorta valve losing patience banging out letters. blessings mlp
  12. mlp

    back from vacation

    i think the weight came off because when i got home i cut out the junk food and my cold was still kicking my butt.i burned a lot of calories coughing. my prayers will be with you for surgery blessings lynn
  13. fred you know our prayers will be with you. i also have had to have eye surgery since my stroke(not related to stroke)i remember being terrified. however they gave me my i.v. and although i was awake during surgery and talking i honestly did not feel anything. i wish you a very speedy recovery. blessings lynn
  14. mlp

    back from vacation

    went to florida for 10 days. my sister has a timeshare there and took my other sister and myself for a very nice brother has a condo in the same town and we were together with him and his wife most days. a lot of food was consumed lol; esp. ice cream. I have finally gotten the extra weight off. the weather could have been a little better, just a little chilly. however we were blamed for bringing the cold weather down from n.y. only problem was I caught a butte of a cold from sister-in-law .almost made the winter without one. now it's mid april and still have remnants of it . spring is supposed to be around the corner but we're still waiting. thankfully no snow. i'm trying to go through and discard some of the excess stuff I have esp. clothes but find energy is already drained when I awake in the morning. I eliminated 1 of the 2 muscle relaxers but the sleeping pill still seems to have lasting effects. also I think depression sets in as can no longer do all the things I used to and have to remind myself constantly to be thankful of all that I can do. no pity parties for myself.i hav a lot of blogs and discussions to catch up on. hope you're all doing well.blessings lynn
  15. my son's baby is now an inch long,the lenght of my thumbs knuckle. dave brought his cell phone to the ultrasound and actually taped the sounds of the baby's heartbeat. brought tears to my eyes hearing that quick beat saying i'm here and if like dad a force to be reckon i'm going with my 2 sisters to florida for 9 days to my older sister's time share.definitely should be warmer.feb is my 10th anniversary so it will be good to have a change of scenery. blessings lynn
  16. when i've been in the security line; they move wheelchairs through very quickly. when asked if i can stand i say yes but with difficulty. usually they'll ask if i would prefer a pat daown and i say yes. it may because we have a small airport but they have always been very respectful even the time when i had to go into the seclusion room after having accidently touched some of my husband's reloading powder and testing positive for explosives, yikes,that slowed us up some .going to florida with my sisters in a couple of weeks so i'll see how things fly(pun) then. blessings lynn
  17. already this year is off to a crazy start. yesterdaymy husband was going to his sportsman club when he looked up and discovered our durango was stolen :roadrage: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stunned would be putting it mildly. as i stated before we live directly across the street from nys university meaning 17,000 students.not sure how they got into car ,it was locked;however hubby had left a key in console;stupid;stupid;stupid .it was there at 11pm gone at 9am.he thought he heard a car beep at 3 am but with 3 students renting next door with many friends this is not unusual. called police and they took report. we figured it was aleady on its way to and in pieces. .husband took our van and decided to look for it himself. having grown up in a very bad area he thought he would check shopping parking lots,places known for unsavory street business; under bridges etc. i knew about shopping centers lol.oldest son said to check out pine hill area ,where many students rent. often after drinking decide they need a ride home and steal a car to get there and abandon it. husband checked there . meanwhile we gave a prayer to my bother-in-law who has passed to help us. he couldn't find squat while on this side but now has eagle vision. we often will search for something, can't find it;ask joey for help and there it is,same place we looked before he does like messing with us.. he and my husband were very good friends. we said joe we know that this is probably out of your league but please help and put st.anthony on the case for backup. low and behold HE FOUND IT. he parked 2 car lengths away and waited for police.signed some papers police checked his pistol permit. and drove durango home; undamaged with chain saws still in back and they took some change about $15.00 and finished dinking husbands gatorade lol.computers delete button not working so hopefully you can decipher this .looking car over husband found a stolen n.y.c. child's protective service's shield with a lot of prints. called police again and they came and picked badge up.we drove back to site where car found of picked up van and came home. meanwhile heart was beating a little quicker than very thankful all was well again. we are blessed even bigger news youngest son's wife after 2nd round of fertility drugs had a successful i.v.f. prodcedure :thumbsu: ; meaning hopefully although very stages a new grandchild children? in sept., 2 embryoes were placed and one looked like it was dividing before going in.we know there is at least one with possibly more. 1st ultrasound all well. next on wed. but still too early for heartbeat.. since last blogging had a great Christmas and holiday . oldest son's divorce procedings ugly as can be..hopefully you all have a happy healthy new year. we are off to quite a start.blessings lynn
  18. i just read about the passing of your mum and please accept my deepest condolences. i'm so glad your family rallied around you.we love you. please keep posting. we care so very much. blessings lynn
  19. thurs. night 11:00 should have been in bed;i took a step out my front door and my ankle twisted something fierce. my leg which is paralysed jumped in the air in reaction to this and then didn't want to go back on the ground. i had this happen(leg jumping not coming down)as a physical reaction to the pain;this happened once before from a previous brace. my neurologist said it was a way the leg was trying to protect itself. here it was my ankle. by the time i made it to the bedroom it was severely swollen ,less than 5 min later,.and felt like i had a hard boiled egg placed under the skin. i slept with the ankle on a cold pack all night and the swelling was down some in the morning. so i decided to wait until mon. to see if it was still bothering me. it was. it also turned different shades of purple, brown and yellow. my son who had tore his ligament in football said this was looking the same. i called my primary today, knowing i would need x-rays. said to go to an orthopedtic dr. we have a personal friend, also my husband's orthopedic dr,. who was able to get me a 2:15 app't. x-rays were taken-2x's because my ankle refused to cooperate. dr. had to physically hold it in place using lead gloves to get a picture. fortunately it wasn't broken but a bad ligament sprain. i was told to always wear an ankle brace at all times and come back in 6 weeks;and basically lay low. holiday shopping from computer or cash. not a loss since i don't want to be out in the crowds and cold anyway..he really couldn't do anything but at least i knew then it wasn't broken,which was my main concern;.not too much of a set-back. just hurts and kind of touchy. i also got a script to evaluate and treat hand which is very contracted for the bioness h200. i want to see if it will extend my fingers .i'll let you know how i make out .i use a walkaide on my leg but apparently it wasn't in the right place nor at the correct setting when i hurt the ankle. while at the dr. i put the setting higher and hit the exercise mode .the dr. was impressed how it corrected my severe inversion and said i could do that a few times a day instead of therapy. a much better idea during the winter months.i have a tendency to do the go big thing stroke,ankle;really not too big ;but if i call the dr. he knows there really is a problem . i wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and watch out for the black fri. madness .i'll be on my couch exercising my ankle.blessings lynn
  20. mlp

    the time between

    i just learned of ray's passing and i'm sending all the love i can through this site.please keep us updated as to how you are doing. you are such a part of our family; your wisdom, compassion and love shines so bright. my sincere smypathies and prayers. know that our cyber hugs are encircling you, only because we can't be there in person. as jo says take time for yourself and be gentle with your thoughts. you gave your best as did ray. blessings lynn
  21. mlp


    thanks guys for encouraging words i figure i survived the teenage yrs with the 3 boys. i survived a stroke. i'll survive this. i'll show them how stoic and hearty the irish can be. .true story- my niece researched our ancestry and i actually had a relative on the mayflower. he's the one who fell off the boat and had to be rescued you'll read it in any mayflower book.but he survived lol .have to have that sense of humor.i feel like i've kissed the blarney stone sometimes when i get talking so that i'm older i wish i could ask the relatives their stories. i didn't care about it when i was younger. too involved with what i was doing. nothing important looking back.guess we all live and learn and so will my's just difficult watching them go through it. wishing you all happiness and blessings lynn
  22. mlp

    A New Season Is Upon Us

    this would be my favorite season if it wasfollowed by spring and not winter.70's days 50's nights. however can't open windows because s.u.n.y. is doing more construction with excavators starting at 6:00AM,.i prefer waking to birds and not heavy equipment and not 6;00. hope you're done with the 100's. wed. starts my giants against your cowboys or are you a texan fan? blessings lynn
  23. i feel the same driving me crazy.if _you have time read my latest youngest 30.blessings lynn
  24. mlp


    i feel like i am consumed with the sadness during son's upcoming divorce. grandaughters are very unhappy with dad not living with them. he misses his family terribly but situation was not a good environment for girls, so he moved out; because he works out of town and wouldn't be able to get girls to bed on bus or sitter. this may come back to bite(she's already changed locks) him. if he had 9-5 job he wouldn't have left. for now he lives in his brothers house, scott's,on weekends when he's back in town. we are his backup for getting girls on thurs. if he can't make it back in time.he has girls thurs. night, fri, sat and sunday until 5. they are upset to see us if we have to pick them up because they want dad. this week scott moved to va .after getting a new job which is paying double. it's a gamble because it's 3 mos. to 3 yr. assignment but he'll get a lot of experience and doesn't have family ties such as children and now is the time for him to take the chance. we spent this weekend helping scott to get things together for him to move.and watching girls, fortunately we kept our old sofa stored in neighbors garage for todd, since scott took his furniture with him. i ramble. .trying not to get too crazy but with daughter-in-law dating paul and girls asking dad if he'll still be their dad if mom marries paul it's difficult. you should be .thankful now that i haven't been blogging for a while. i'm living in a soap opera. my sisters, niece and i are taking a break from the 16th to 20th going to maine. i'm looking forward to some book reading and less drama. i hope it will be a little warm. the summer seems to have flown by even thouh it was a hot one.. i'm trying to walk at home without walkaide and brace but won't take the chance, going places, without them, ankle not strong enough .football season is starting soon so i'm looking forward to that. i'll leave for now and will try to keep blogging wiuth complaints kept to a minimum .no promises.blessings lynn
  25. mlp

    Mum is 94 today

    happy birthday to a lady who's an inspiration to all. love and blessings lynn