
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by mlp

  1. mlp
    finally took my son's advice and had someone directly from cable to fix my wireless. my son did all he could do for me but i needed the equipment the techs had. i had been putting it off but after failed attempts to correct problem myself from phone directions, i'm where i should have been months ago, if i had followed advice. irishmen are often stubborn and put things off. guess who's irish!.have a lot of reading and catching up to do. i'll be back to check site more often.blessings lynn
  2. mlp
    had grandkids from 7:30 until 6:30. tues. after 11 hrs. husband and i had it. son comes in tells us that he and wife heading for divorce. told him to not even say that. says he's not kidding. he got a job at a paper mill driving forklift all day.agrees to take it although it's over an hour away and a swingshift and wants no part of it. he.received an email today to take a test for a verizon job in buffalo. that's about 5 hrs. away . he's ready to move because it's the kind of job he wants, lineman,wife says no way. he says yes. wife no longer talking to him; my pressure rises. i'm upset but tell myself keep mouth shut; they're grown-ups and have to work it out themselves. this is extremely hard for me to do because in a nano second i can envision every scenerio. proud of myself for listening to self and being quiet. today all is calm and reason has again prevailed. they talked and listened to each other and son is taking job at mill while continuing to look for other opportunities while pulling in paycheck. thankfully things seem to be all right.i did tell him today after all was done, that marriage; 39 yrs. this june; often is love the person all the time but sometimes don't like them very much. yesterday was supposed to be last time we babysat unless we picked them up from sitter. today already asked to watch them wed. from 7:15 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.i was actually looking forward to a little break. one at a time is great but two is really stressful. any way all quiet on the homefront. pressure down for now. relax until next calamity. hey they worked it out without mom's interference, just as i kept trying to tell myself.
    happy to have the computer back wireless. good thing i didn't rant needlessly to you guys last night . thanks for always being there blessings lynn
  3. mlp
    sorry i haven't been keeping up to date with blogging, posting etc. my wireless isn't working and it is a literal pain using the desk. i'm hoping my son who works at cable company will check it out. i'm not holding my breath. however next week is my birthday so maybe i can get him to do it for that. i've hardly been using the computer at all. however i did spend a couple hours sat. deleting over 300 emails!hope i can catch up with this family soon.i've really missed you guys. blessings lynn
  4. mlp
    had to get my botox shots today which i hate but work for me. dr. said pressure was a little high. 150/80 i told him it was probably because i didn't know if son had gotten out of hawaii yet .he did, left yesterday!however he did come home with a blistering sunburn on legs, only put sunscreen on chest and arms, not legs.what was he thinking? told him to go to drs. pretty sure he has sun poisoning, legs purple- my mother would say mother of boys have a special place in heaven just hope it's a good place. meanwhile praying for cousin who is walking distance to ocean in ca. all that, plus shots coming probably were also factors. praying for all those affected and all of you.blessings lynn
  5. mlp
    made it to florida after a little shakey start. let's just say my husband loves, loves trap shooting and loads his own bullets and shells. he was doing that the morning of flight. walking without cane, i touch table he was using for balance. guess who gets stop at security after scan?told not to touch anyone or anything while they got head of security.i felt like an outcast.sisters told not to touch meand me not to touch anybody or weird.
    after being checked again, they finally said i had tested positive for explosives after telling them about husband they seemed to relax some as they brought me to the private room for more screening. anyone who truly knows my sisters and i would not be surprised by this; .nor by the fact that when we arrived in florida they were having a major wildfire 20 mis. away. it burned 17,000 acres.feeling jinxed we're just happy we can still go places together. i will say you have to have a snense of humor to get by.
    our time in florida was wonderful. sunshine and 70's everyday.not a snowflake in sight.spent most time sitting by ocean reading and eating. hate having to come back to reality. 15 degrees here with another 1-3 ins. of snow tonight. ick. brother showed us best places for homemade ice cream. now that i'm home, i'll proably have to step on that scale. trip home uneventful except that they tore sisters new luggage, from scotland; . they said it was normal wear and tear. only 2nd time she used it.arrive home , husband waiting near curb and afraid of getting ticket like last time. he loads luggage too quickly and without really looking slams down handle on sisters luggage thinking it was mine. didn't see button to lower handle. CRACK, there goes handle . oh well, it already was torn. i tell you it's the whole family.amazing we're allowed to go anywhere without giving notice we're coming. we did have a wonderful timejust sorry about suitcase.missed you guys and i have a lot of reading and updating to go through. blessings lynn
  6. mlp
    looks like sun. at 6:30 . only talking about an in. of snow then. i wouldn't know because tv satellite is out .thanks for listening . you guys are the best. you guys are probably hoping as much as i am that i can get out of here. blessings lynn
  7. mlp
    hi guys, i'll be away for 12 days if the plane can take off tomorrow. it's been cold but calm all week.however tomorrow it's going to be more snow, some sleet and freezing rain. my sisters and i are supposed to leave for the florida haters please; it's been one of the worst winters in the northeast that i sister has a time share in new smyrna beach where we'll be staying. hubby will get a little break ..i just hope i can keep up with my eldest sister; she's the one who is always on the go,last year ireland and scotland . the day after we arrive home she's taking off for arizona.her friends daughter has a town house so the 2 of them are heading there. my brother lives about 3 mis. away. i think my sister-in-law has our trip all planned. help .i'll miss the
    stroke network family terribly. i can't think i'lll be going cold turkey. hopefully one day we can go to brothers and i can log in. everybody behave and no falling!okay forget about behaving but still no's hoping for an uneventful flight.blessings lynn
  8. mlp
    a little humor while we sit out yet another snowstorm.i now have 4 cardinals visiting feeders. i really feel blessed every time i see them. abby named 1st male ocho (no idea why) and 1st female sally. yesterday 2 females on same branch; called her and told her sally had a sister or ocho another girlfriend tsk tsk. told her she had to give the new one a name and she told me to name her. i said rosa, red in spanish, to go with the male's spanish name. she thought a bit and then said no. so much for my turn for a name. lol. she named her portia.!?! later a 2nd male turned up!. wanted to call and see what his name would be;, but when i called earlier, it create some hassle as abby gave phone to maddie to say hi and then took it away. crying and temper ensued and abby then wanted to come here. thought i better wait a day. when son called today i told him that i had a new male and abby had to name him. i suggested cinco(football reference to ochocinco) lol. again i got vetoed. now his name is venti, spanish for clue why this little redheaded irish girl is going spanish? we're supposed to watch girls tomorrow. ocho, sally,portia and venti better showit cracks me up now when i see the birds and say hi to them and thank God for sending them here. it is truly a blessing mlp lynn
  9. mlp
    well son didn't get this job but probably for the best. would have meant out of state 3-4 days a week. with wife working changing shifts and often not home until kids, 4&1, in bed. it could be days without seeing either parent know a lot of people are making these kinds of sacrifices and i applaud them . luckily they are in a position with her job that they can still wait it out a little longer.however very difficult emotionally on both of them; think we know a little about that. sorry for boring info, guess i'm doing a little venting .i can see it taking a toll on both of them.ever the optimist, i believe something good will come along; hopefully soon. he sure is trying.thanks guys for support.blessings mlp lynn
  10. mlp
    hope you didn't think i was bragging about reading 3 books. ebooks are pretty condensed.just learned that next year apple may be introducing a smaller ipad and for less money. it should also accept those apps. and i think library loans. i 've heard about. not too tech savvy. husband and i watched the 2 grandkids 4 and 1 1/2 yesterday. a little crazy at 7:30 in the morning but thrilled we live so close to be able to do it, 20 miles,. however the high pitch screeching contest is a little tough on the ears. later in the evening and most thurs. nights is girls night out which is really in but we get take out. i go to my sister who shares a duplex with my other sister. we get together with two of my nieces, to make a full sisters are my best friends so i am truly blessed. now if i could just get this left side of my body to work things would be really super .notice that in my intro about myself i warned you i had a tendency to babble
    the blizzard of last week has melted so this weekend we're getting 4-8 ins. of snow. already tired of winter.
    however it's the football playoffs so i'm good staying in. also in case you can't tell i love emoticons.tried to put in another here and my computer froze lol it would have been the smily face and flowers. wishing you all blessings mlp
  11. mlp
    thought my profile was actually my blog; but when i clicked on blog it said i didn't have one.
    you can see what i mean when i said i like to laugh and usually at myselfi received a kindle for Christmas an love it . already read 3 books. however today i learned that it isn't compatible with tmy lending library.i hope "amazon" will soon give their permission. apparently you can download with the nook. bummer for me. however i would check first with my own library.there are still many free books on amazon and it is great to be reading again. what a difference. i used to use those massive paper clips as a bookmark and they were always flying across the room the kindle takes care of all that and remembers where i was.right now i have 91 items which include free samples of books on it and i can carry all that in my pocketbook without much may be tough but it's good.sorry for the lack of the capital letters but i figured you would understand the difficulty of hitting the shift and whatever letter i wanted
    .mostly watched
    football yesterday. sorry to see it coming to a close but looking forward to the playoffs.i want to wish all a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR.r.crazy weather in albany ny. saturday it hit 50. today we're trying to reach the freezing mark. i sure do have a tendency to rambleplease continue to pray for each other and our troops. we all can use a little help.blessings. mlp
  12. mlp
    another brain freeze. have to redo blog original in cyber spaceson traveled 3 hr. yesterday for test for national grid. hasn't had a decent job in over yr. luckily wife does. he wnted to make sure he was there for test, another snowstorm comingi'm done with winter but apparently it's not done with the northeast.unreal; he gets email this morning saying test postponed until tomorrow or next week because of weather. he's staying at motel again and hopes the test will be tomorrow or else another 3hr. trip.great!just looked outside and in addition to icicles melting, it's snowing again. we just got an additional 6 ins. last night
    watched grandkids yesterday until wife got home at 9pmnot to complain but plaing barbie for 5 hrs. could causehad trouble getting clothes on the barbie, 4 yr. old says"that's okay nanny she can go COMMANDOdon't know where she got that from but think i need a keep your mouth closed emoticon. this is the one who said after soccer practice-i want my old life backher mom just called saying her mom will watch the girls overnight ,whew
    the pres. was here today visiting general electric about 15 miles away. gov. cuomo tried to give him a jets hat but come on the bears are in the hunt.guess the secret service took it. didn't get to see air force one fly over but saw it when clinton was flying to albany. it flew over my work place. now that is one big plane.better try and see if this will post. no computer geek here lol. blessings mlp
  13. mlp
    won't be feeling the warm fa. sun today. not sure if flight was cancelled because of the 5-9 ins. of snow or the 60 mph winds they're expecting along with outages and limbs down. i hate this winter. hopefully we can get a flight for tomorrow , should know later today.not a happy camper. if we can't go then, there's another storm coming mon.&tues did i tell you i hate winter. at least i have another day to vent here you lucky people ..would rather be looking at ocean than this white stuff that looks like it's turning into sleet. sorry i'm just in a bad mood and i hate winter. blessings lynn