
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. love and congratulations. a little sunshine in a dreary winter.glad the family is doing well. blessings lynn
  2. just got back from california where husband and i celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary when my cousin invited us out to his house in san clemente for a week. what a wonderful time. beautiful weather mid 70's my favorite. busy everyday and never saw one cloud. my favorite time was dolphin- whale watch. i didn't see any whales but we were sailing with a pod of over 100 common dolphins and pacific white sided dolphins (didn;t know there was such a thing) what a treat.. cousin is the best tour guide chaffeuer.. ever.when we went to seaworld on, our own, we almost went to mexico. i didn;t want to go to mexico.we stopped when we saw the sign tijuana 3 miles. that was close enough. too;s been so hot here that my son who works construction had the job site shut down 2 days because of heat. oldest son is in middle of nasty divorce. she was served with papers which he didn;t want to do but when she stayed overnight at friends,man,he didn;t have much choice.glad he has a good lawyer and i can stay out of it.;at least as much as a mom can. husband gone for two days to try and find septic tank or whatever is there at camp.wish him luck as he tackles this in the 90 degree temps. vacation time over.. so glad to get away esp. since i had to put my dog sable down the week before trip. i was so afraid it would happen when we were 13 she was my best bud. past year we were at vets min. 6 times and couldn't help her as she lost more than 30 lbs. in the year from 100 to 70 lbs.. liver and kidney problems with suspision of cancer 2 dogs in as many years. i'm done .2 sons have 2 dogs, other has 1 if i need my dog fix. .cousin has a mini aussie, another shelter dog.i really needed that vacation, and after a week home i think i need another.i have a lot of catching up to do here.unfortunately if i start a computer game, i'm gone for hours.hope you've been well and surviving this heat.blessings lynn
  3. another prayer and warm thoughts for you and your family. so sorry for your loss. as we approach memorial day, may i thank you for your service and sacrifice. God bless all who are defending our freedom. blessings lynn
  4. thanks for the laughs. very punny. blessings lynn
  5. since last entry, i fell getting out of tub shower, directly onto my knees. it's an old cast iron tub so there is no give to that. it's higher then the fiberglass ones of today. i had a handle i use to get in and out. it was here that the little voice said handle is loose. i ignored it. always regret that. just as i put my whole weight on it to get out.; it gave way and down i went .husband was there almost before i landed. no way could i get up with both knees under myself. almost had to call 911 but hubby and i finally made it out. he had to climb in tub with wonder i'm not allowed to take shower unless he's home. thankfully he has had his checkup and neck was cleared to lift whatever. good thing this didn't happen a couple of weeks ago .luckily, just black and blue knees. pretty impressive;pretty lucky. my niece's ex mother in law has passed. still a shock about someone so active. such a freak thing. with no brain activity, family made decision to remove life support. the lcd went on my computer but now is working well. son and grandkids still staying here on friday nights.he had a meeting with divorce lawyer but still does not want one. we'll see what happens. what a mess. when i went to dr. for reg. app't i told him i was doing well physically except for b&b knees but mentally a mess. he gave me some mental exercises to work on for the stress. birthday in a couple of days and another month and year in the books blessings lynn
  6. mlp

    Trying to be happy

    nancyl offers some great advice about checking things out first and leaving yourself a way out if things get too overwhelming. you have accomplished so much.!!!!!dad can't help it. to him you'll always be his little girl.wishing you continued blessings. lynn
  7. fred i know this isn't comedy central but i really miss your daily jokes. they helped make my day a little brighter.your attitude is definitely a survivor one and we look to your wisdom for support. blessings lynn
  8. please keep my niece's ex mother in law, a wonderful woman in your prayers.. she had a freak accident-. getting her mail at the end of her driveway she was hit by a car causing massive brain trauma. family having meeting to see if they will take her off does not look good. doctors haven't fixed any of the multiple broken bones as they wait to see if she'll wake up. so please prayers for family and the neighbor who hit her who is devasted. why is it we don't get at least 1 redo button? husband doing well after surgery but upset that he felt better before it. i keep telling him to be thankful they caught the blockage in time and that it was major surgery. .son's separation weighs heavily on my heart. he's being played; but remains hopeful for being a family again.i'm not as optimistic. blessings lynn.
  9. do you and trevor have cell phones? it would be easier for you to let him know where you've wandered off to. lol.glad you're enjoying some outside time with're both in our hearts and prayers daily.blessings lynn
  10. sue, you, your mum, and ray have so many prayers coming your way as we follow your journey online. we wish we were there giving you the biggest hugs ever .you are an inspiration to us all even though you never asked for this job. please find time to smell the flowers you'll be planting. you need strength from within and time to replenish your sanity. hopefully the weather changes and you can take some walks with ray. i know that sunshine makes a big difference on my day's outlook. just rambling but thinking and praying for and about you daily. blessings lynn
  11. i knew i took sunday as a freebie day just didn't know blessings lynn
  12. sue you must of gotten the rain that should have been our snow this winter.we had tons of rain in the spring and summer and then a great winter. hopefully your autumn will bring much sunshine in the skys and your heart. i'll pray with the rest of the stroke network for ray and you in hopes they can regulate his meds .i'm sure the nursing home is keeping track of what ray eats. enjoy all of your new found friends and take advantage of any good times- outings, grandkids, sunshine and flowers. all the best blessings lynn
  13. mlp

    thanks for the prayers

    thanks so much for the warm support. blesssings. lynn
  14. mlp

    thanks for the prayers

    thanks for your prayers. my husband had his right side carotid artery surgery yesterday, leap day. so we will remember this esp. every 4 yrs. thankfully he is home today. dr. said it was really blocked around 80-85% and they had to roto-rooter 3 inches worth making a 4 in. incision. thank God this was caught in time. having just had my 10 yr. stroke anniversary we didn't need another one to track. our youngest son brought us to the hospital in his 4 wheel drive truck since we had our 2nd snowstorm of the winter. figures. the other snow was in oct. this whole winter has been crazy. if we didn't get snow on the leap day we would have broken a record of having no snow in feb..we got about 7 inches. i spent the night at my sisters while hubby spent the night at the hospital. glad he stayed there. his bp was very high all night. 198/93. definitely stroke numbers . i told the dr. i thought the fear was only during surgery but he said no.that's why they were having him stay overnight to monitor him. good thing.! nurses were in constant contact with doctors and continually changing iv bags to bring his pressure down but it wasn't under control until this morning 10 hrs later!.he said he thought he was going to die. i'm so glad i didn't know this was going on thankfully things are getting back to normal. husband stil weak and sore but that prevents him from overdoing.he finally got some sleep when he got home..think i'll go to sleep early tonight.thanks again for warm thoughts and prayers. blessings lynn
  15. you are so right . it is his loss. it sounds like a great new start. keep updating us. all the best. big hugs and blessings lynn love the phrase life shook my snowglobe again!
  16. thanks for the kind words and encouragement. he does rest daily because his artifical knee is constantly in pain. he has had 3 knee replacements and many artroscopies on it, more than 10. he is not one to keep down but i'll do my absolute best he'll be a challenge.i'll keep you updated.h and call whenever needed.members of his fish and game club have offered to take him to lunch and to call when needed. he will take them up on it. one thing he will have the most problem with is not trap shooting on wed. and sundays.ause of the risks.beche is excellent and knows more about it than most of the members.he definitely won't take a chance on shooting because he knows the risks. he sees me each day. we're going to see my son's new house tommorrow so that should be a fun day.just keep up the prayers. thank you and blessings lynn
  17. although i can't give you a physical hug know that you are being held tightly in our hearts. blessings lynn
  18. last year we thought we dodged surgery but this year surgery is scheduled for my husband on feb.29th. his carotid artery is 80%blocked. glad they found it before problems but still a scary thing.his father stroked 2 times during surgery but that was many years ago. he will not be able to driv :roadrage: e nor pick anything up over 5 pounds. normally it would be no heavier than a phone book but because he works outside and does heavy lifting, firewood,he's allowed the 5 pounds. i'll have to really watch him,. for 2 weeks. he's trying to get all his odd jobs done asap. fixed niece's tires yesterday. will do sister's brakes this his car's tire is flat ugh. meanwhile scott's( 2nd son's) closing took place today. yay. watched 2 yr. old grandaughter while oldest son todd tries to work out his separation. causes tears and anger .what a mess .took dog sable to vet; she's been losing weight and muscle mass, noticable .12+ years old and.arthritis is hurting her. i have her on glucosamine w/chondroitin.seems to help a little. today the. vet called saying there was something wrong with either her liver or she might have cushing disease. instead of muliple testings and biopsies; we agreed to first try senior dog food and look for either improvement or worsening condition. last year had to put 16+ yr.old cocker spaniel down. 2012 not so great and. i hate february but art least we haven't had much snow. so please add hubby to your long prayer chains.. you guys are the best :thumbsu:.blessings lynn
  19. fred so sorry for your loss .your family's faith will help you through this sad time. i'm late offering my condolences but finally computer is working.your family's faith will continue to help you during this sad time.may God keep you in the palm of His hand.blessings lynn
  20. finally took the plunge and brought my computer to a professional.nephew just couldn't do an easy fix. 1st thought it was ribbon cable,estimate $ 200 + i said forget it.found a man who works from his house 2 streets down .ribbon cable was cheapest possible fix bought but wasn't problem. next he tried lcd screen. nope 3rd time's the charm motherboard. . so here i finally am .however he was able to return other items and bought motherboard .he worked very hard and also cleaned hard drive all for less than the 200 from 1st place. basically it's a new computer. yay. for christmas sons bought me a kindle fire so i could still get email and check things out at stroke network. i didn't write because the keys are incredibly small and woud constantly hit wrong keys . it's probably better i couldn't write because i am beside myself with news that son with kids is heading for divorce .wife says she loves him but is not in love with him. most of this started with that horrendous job he had. working 7 am to 7pm 6 days a week. then after 2 days would work the 7pm to 7am shift. with the 1 1/2 hr. commute each way it left little time for family and sleep plus hated, hated the job. he declined the job he really wanted because it was temporary and didn't want to chance being laid off in dec. .he had a meltdown when wife said she was going motorclycle riding with some man my son didn't know. and despite his objections to go, she came home at 1:30 am. he had screaming match and said things he shouldn't and agreed to go to anger management. couple of weeks later,she went out until 2am. :growl: she says she only wants to be responsible for herself. sorry that's not how life goes esp. with 2 kids. i've been a wreck. son wants to try counselling. she doesn't. meanwhile 2nd son has bought a house and is to have closing on the 15th and .he should be very happy but now it looks like he'll have his brother as a roomate. :notfair: he'll be the one moving out because he doesn't make enough money and he can't get abby on school bus because he leaves at 5:30 am for work.meanwhile in the middle of this he got a new job; so i thought things would be better. he works for the railroad 4 days a week mon- thurs. 6:30am to 4:30pm each day.however things aren't improving. so that's what has been going on with me. this month marks my 10th year anniversary since stroke and still plugging along .i have a lot of catching up to do on reading but have to watch superbowl. at least the weather has been kind to us. the only measurable snow we've had was in october.crazy. hope i didn't jinx it .please keep son and family in your long list of prayers. blessings lynn
  21. my sisters, niece and i got back from maine about 2 weeks ago, but haven't blogged.:thumbsd: we had a wonderful time and great weather. the best ice cream in ogunquit maine is" sundaes at the beach" .we now know the owner by name and look forward to seeing him next year. in addition to homemade ice cream, it is one of the few places that lets you truly make your own sundae.add as much hot fudge, carmel marshmallow etc. as you want. a few miles up the road is the best breakfast place known only to the locals (not on the main rd.)-" merriland farms". they have an amazing stuffed french toast. after bread has been soaked overnight in custard it is filled with cream cheese and the best maine blueberries:Starvin: . yes we did do more than eat, but food seemed to be a daily treat. we went to the beach a few times and i even walked the town for about an hr. ,even though my leg held up, my back was giving me problems. too long walking without breaks. it bothers me as i reminence of days of window shopping for 5 hrs. .just thankful i'm still upright. i always try to put those negative thoughts out of my mind as soon as they try and creep in. while we had great weather, rain continued in ny. not uncommon to go more than a week without the sun.last night it was in the 30's. weekend may be 80!. jusy hope winter won't last 7 mos.instead of the usual 6.i used . my new cane and i really like it. it gives a lot of support.the only thing i don't like is that it too doesn't really stand on its own even though it says it will. still worth the price to me. again your ins. may cover it as a kind of quad cane. you have been doing well. time to get caught up on everyone. blessings lynn
  22. mlp

    finally the sun

    here's an idea. how about n.y. sends you a water pipeline and you send us a gas one? at least football is starting up to take our mind from the weather.:laughbounce: blessings lynn
  23. mlp

    finally the sun

    i'll definitely keep an eye out for redness. don't want any more problems. my niece lives in cheshire so i know you guys are also looking for some sun. hopefully we'll have a better winter this year.this weekend is going to give us a little preview as it dips into the 40's possibly 30's .this is why i hate it. we always go from summer directly to winter. blessings lynn