
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. mlp

    finally the sun

    lobsters are for my sister kathy. sue and i are not seafood lovers. just white tuna in water.:bouncing_off_wall: actually the ankle stopped rolling with the better shoes but will definitely take the brace. thanks for the warm wishes. i think and pray for you often. hope things are looking up. blessings lynn
  2. great work and determination:gym: .now that i seem to have my ankle under control i have to get working on my hand and fingers.blessings lynn
  3. mlp

    finally the sun

    while poor texas is experiencing a terrible drought; n.y. is flooding away. today is the first sighting of the sun in 2 weeks. we have to enjoy it because more rain in 2 days. we've been very fortunate. my nephew got a call at work to come to school to pick up his kids. it took 2-3 hrs. instead of 45 mins.he had to reroute himself several times due to washout roads. those who couldn't be picked up had to stay overnight at the school including the kindergarteners who were having their first day of school. the roads are that bad and any streams are now raging rivers. hope they're willing to go back. actually the school is closed today finally went to my orthodic guy because of the constant ankle turning. i got a swedo hinged ankle brace which fits in my regular shoes. with insurance only $27.00. however i found out one of my major problems was that my shoe had started to break down and was offering no support. stunned to see the difference a pair of supportive shoes made. i have walked for 2 days without the ankle rolling without the brace. still happy to get the brace for longer walks and security. my sisters are taking me and my niece to maine for a couple of days on the 18th to 23rd so it'll get a workout then.. it will give hubby a little break and me a great time.hope maine has some sun. i know it won't be warm. i'll bring my kindle and listen to the waves. here's wishing everyone a great autumn. blessings lynn
  4. mlp

    a funny I could not pass up

    laughed out loud with that one. i really miss the jokes fred used to provide. thanks for the smile . blessings lynn
  5. mlp

    waiting out the hurricane

    we survived the hurricane fine but there is total destruction about 1hr. south of us. we had beautiful eather since which gives people a chance to clean up some of the muck.people have lost everything and it looks unreal.sue you should be going into the summer and i hope you can continue planting flowers. blessings lynn
  6. mlp

    waiting out the hurricane

    i'll try that. i don't have a brace but a walk- aid. i think i'll start with 5 mins. on solid for a week and then 5 min on uneven next week.. thanks for the tip. i really hope to stop the ankle turn. glad to see it's worked for someone. blessings lynn
  7. i wish we could give you some of this hurricane rain. good friend got 12 1/2 inches of rain. road now a river.! fred i really miss your daily jokes.i always scanned the posts for your name because i knew a smile would be coming. blessings lynn:hug:
  8. able to use computer because we're home waiting out irene and have internet here:Clap-Hands: i've been trying to catch up with blogs and forums, while deleting 500+emails. hurricane not so bad in upstate n.y. only lost power for a couple of minutes but raining for over 12 hours and don't see any evidence of it stopping but at least the winds are calm for now. stayed home this weekend because we were afraid we would lose power and sump pump might die. we've been staying at camp as much as possible now that toilet is working:Dance: someone, could it be the angelic grandaugthers, flushed a toothbrush:Doh: . we still need a holding tank but at least this works for this summer. hate the thought that summer is coming to a close:crying: . love autumn but winter following so close it wrecks it for me. it just lasts so long:Argh: 6 months i'm sure texas is glad it's coming to an end:hot: .overall a good summer aug. 13th we had our big family reunion. what fun. nephew and his wife made it here from jordan. hated to see them go back. they promised they were safe and teaching the crown prince i believe them.their cuisine there is different , knee cap soup:Munch: . glad to have burgers and dogs who wouldn't be? daughter-in-law was walking the picket line for verizon. thank God son finally got job. grandaughter walks into our place yelling- what do we want- contract. when do we want it -now. walking the 5 yrs. old with mom ,2yr. old sister and dad. grandaughter going to kindergarten next week. sure makes me feel older. not walking as much as i would like, ankle just won't hold up constantly turning out. camp has dirt roads and i need solid ground to walk. frustrating.:Tantrum: i'll keep working on it but with a 10 yr. anniversary coming in feb. it is discouraging.i look to stroke network for encouragement.:cheer: i miss fred's daily jokes. i looked forward each day for a chuckle. fortunately i don't have too much to complain about besides the effects of the stroke. i am blessed. thanks for listening to my blather.:yadayada: blessings lynn need to take back upstate ny not so bad. it got whalopped. ther are many streams that turned into rivers taking out homes, trees and farms. heartbreaking. we luckily made out fine. blessings lynn
  9. slow but steady, a little shaky ; blessings

  10. thanks for the support, i'll keep you informed. blessings lynn:forgive_me?:
  11. :hiya: took a while to find how to get online for blogging. no real excuses. i've been enjoying my summer dealing with some stuff and just can't believe that it will be aug. in a couple of days. i always get depressed when it's aug. here in the northeast it feels like winter is just around the corner. if autumn was followed by either spring or summer it would be my favorite. best friend for 50+ yrs. came for a visit and it was almost like being teenagers again. living in the house i grew up in, her old house is just 5 houses down, so we keep a lot of our memories.:bouncing_off_wall: not losing weight like i would like; maybe because i'm eating too much::nuhuh: : . past 2 weeks out to eat for husbands birthday, another friend who i haven't seen in a yr. took me to lunch and today, neighbor took husband and myself belated birthday; out for italian, my favorite. i think this has a lot to do with the scale not going in the direction i want. i have had more stress but that really isn't the reason. i just want to have my ice cream .maybe if i have to let you know how the battle is going i'll be more accountable for what i eat. .been thinking how fortunate i am to have family around and still have my old friends even if irarely see them. survived our heat wave which was only for a week. i feel so bad for texas and all those that have been dealing with the high temps. for so long and the drought:hot: .we 've been having thunderstorms right along. in fact within a couple of miles, trees were actually uprooted with the wind.had an 85mph microburst. never even heard the term before.rather intense. i've been missing fred's jokes of the day they were always good for a laugh to start my day. part of depression and eating is that my foot is acting up and ankle turning way too much. had botox and placed electrodes in different spot so a little better.hopefully i'll get myself back on track. also worried about 36 yr. old son. . he has a kidney disease and although specialist has him on 5 b.p medications, they can't get it under control. part of the disease. tues. he had a procedure to determine if there was a blockage. there wasn't. during procedure bp was 202/93. you can understand my major concern. talked with nephew, a dr. in boston, he said he would read up and discuss condition with other drs. and get back to me with some names. computer acting up again andnephew 2 is coming next week to check it out. think it may have a virus. third nephew's wife expecting baby in dec. fourth and final nephew home for a month from jordan. after family reunion 8/13th he'll be heading back and i'll be crying.he and his wife are teaching at the king's academy. told you in the very begining i could::blah_blah: : wth the best of them. i think and pray for all my family here daily. missed you, my fault; i know you're always: there. :friends: many of you are dealing with much worse and i send many hugs and warm thoughts your way. blessings lynn
  12. realized it's almost been a month since i last blogged. been feeling in the dumps. weather not great so husband's leg and arthtitis acting up; therefore a lot of arguments at home. patience is not hubby's strong suit. also tallied my credit card bills and don't know how i could have spent so much money and yet don't see where it went; never had balance when working. no longer the situation. spending like i still had job. looking for some cutbacks.not going to stop computer. could and should cut back on number of tv stations but feel it's one of my enjoyments. also my kids are causing me stress. just say i haven't wanted to blog. meanwhile on a good note-went to grandaugter's preschool graduation so cute. only needed filling for tooth ,hoping it holds up. celebrated abby's 5th birthday and maddie's 2nd birthday.that was fun and a little crazy. mostly doing computer games which i really do enjoy and think it helps my memory..will go to camp soon hoping change will do me good. i have a lot of reading here to catch up. miss fred's daily jokes.thinking and praying for all daily. hope ray is doing better. blessings lynn
  13. mlp

    wedding anniversary

    just celebrated, june 2nd, our 39th wedding anniversary .we went out to dinner and had a wonderul prime rib . so filling we were able to bring enough home for another meal for both of us. only problem- discovered on the way home i lost a piece of my tooth, far back almost the wisdom tooth. will call mon. morning for app't. fortunately it doesn't hurt. expect this to cost $1,000+ . sure would have liked to have used the money for a better present. blessings lynn
  14. sue you and ray are in our prayers.praying for a quick healing.wishing you only the best. blessings lynn
  15. mlp

    should be interesting

    next week the surveyor will again be at our camp. he will note that his marker has been moved and will place new ones. it will show neighbors fence is on our property. pictures will be taken and marker put in so it can't be removed. not sure if trooper will be called . i won't have all the details because i'll be at grandaughter's graduation from preschoolhard to believe they have graduation from a preschool. she's all set for kindergarten. has met the 3 teachers and there was only 1 that she and her parents didn't like. has been there about 20 yrs. and seems to have a little burnout going on.i get it with just an afternoon with the kids. asked abby for some of her energy but she wouldn't give me any that she needed it.. if only that was in pill form ,we already know which teacher she'll get. husband never seems to ask as many questions as i do. also although neighbor did move dock, he left the post (not quite a 4x4) that was keeping his dock from moving, just sticking up about three ft. in the air .i feel it's a hazard to boaters. i just know that when my husband puts in our dock, it will no longer be there. i will keep you informed of our own soap opera. i'll be as happy as you when it's all settled. blessings lynn
  16. mlp

    neighbor from h***

    we bought the camp from an estate. the former owner put in decks from property line to property line. he said that if you didn't people would take your property. thought he was crazy but totally understand now. he was in witness protection and nobody messed with him. he used untreated wood and when that rotted he just put another untreated one on top. part of the reason we got such a good deal. wish he was here now to visit. we wouldn't be having a problem and neighbor wouldn't have a standing lie. he was part of the mob. people still talk about hearing him yelling on the phone across the lake that if they didn't have the money by tues. he'd break their legs . the exposed post and many walls in house had phone numbers on them including bathroom. when i mentioned to his cousin i was thinking of calling one,but thought better of it. he had a strange look and said that was a good decision. yikes! i'll let you know how we make out. blessings lynn
  17. mlp

    neighbor from h***

    believe me if platform dock isn't moved, husband will call troopers again. blessings lynn
  18. mlp

    neighbor from h***

    only read if you have a lot of time or you're bored we have an on going legal battle with neighbor at our camp which was purchased prior to my stroke when things were going smoothly, a lifetime ago. the place was a wreck and only someone like my husband , a jack of all trades, could tackle its many problems. our neighbor has continually moved survey markers until we paid to have it resurveyed. including putting marker on our patio chair in case we hadn't noticed. when the new survey showed how he moved them(or person unknown) we put up fence showing where the boundary was , he sued us for adverse possession! it's been 4 yrs. and after us winning each court battle but losing a lot of money, it looks like it might finally be coming to an end. hence the ranting. he has now put a floating platform with no way to get on it , in front of our property blocking our access. he has a dock which he uses. this was put here solely to block us.husband called tropers who told neighbor he had 2 days to move it. it has been 2 weeks and i doubt it's been moved. this is the 2nd case he's lost. he was sued by neighbors when he dug drainage ditch to slow cars down. when people damaged their cars, .they filled in hole it's a dirt road, he dug it out again.they sued. he lost, .now, we also own the other side of his property, home equity and family; , the place we would have bought if available at the time with the idea of selling current property when lawsuit finished and new holding tank put in. the markers here have also been moved. in fact he put a fence 3 ft. on our property. husband fit to be tied. at least we bought title insurance so it should be their fight. i cringe each time we go up now. 5 houses away is son's in-laws camp. we can sit on deck and watch our grandaughters run around .they love going to both camps. life is good but i'm ticked off. so much money needlessly wasted . sorry for the but upset that we're going to camp this weekend and instead of being relaxing, it will be filled with stress. hope toilet works, hence the new holding tank. no room for septic system with well and neighbor.i'm sure the saga will continue.don't feel you need to listen to my . it just helps to blow off steam.everyone sick of hearing about it, including me. btw no internet there so all will be calm from me for a while. blessings lynn