
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. mlp

    blood pressure a little high

    what i meant was cousin was within walking diistance of ocean. he lives in san clemente. heard from him all okay. thanks for concern blessings lynn
  2. i'm positive your angel is still with you. she may be having trouble with keeping up with you. just don't give up. maybe go back to your cane for a short time while you're working on balance and tiredness you said it's only been 90 days since your stroke. even though it may seem like an eternity, that's not very long esp. when you're doing so much. blessings lynn
  3. had to get my botox shots today which i hate but work for me. dr. said pressure was a little high. 150/80 i told him it was probably because i didn't know if son had gotten out of hawaii yet .he did, left yesterday!however he did come home with a blistering sunburn on legs, only put sunscreen on chest and arms, not legs.what was he thinking? told him to go to drs. pretty sure he has sun poisoning, legs purple- my mother would say mother of boys have a special place in heaven just hope it's a good place. meanwhile praying for cousin who is walking distance to ocean in ca. all that, plus shots coming probably were also factors. praying for all those affected and all of you.blessings lynn
  4. mlp

    the beach etc

    sue just got back from ocean and thankful for the time away from snow. i'm happy you got a chance for" me" time while weather is still good. hopefully your winter won't be too long.glad you already have ideas for the winter.get out and enjoy. blessings lynn
  5. just saw your newest pics of flowers. they're beautiful. waiting for snow to melt to get busy. blessings lynn

  6. mlp

    Awesome sunrise

    absolutely breathtaking! where was this? blessings lynn
  7. mlp

    a little shaky start

    made it to florida after a little shakey start. let's just say my husband loves, loves trap shooting and loads his own bullets and shells. he was doing that the morning of flight. walking without cane, i touch table he was using for balance. guess who gets stop at security after scan?told not to touch anyone or anything while they got head of security.i felt like an outcast.sisters told not to touch meand me not to touch anybody or weird. after being checked again, they finally said i had tested positive for explosives after telling them about husband they seemed to relax some as they brought me to the private room for more screening. anyone who truly knows my sisters and i would not be surprised by this; .nor by the fact that when we arrived in florida they were having a major wildfire 20 mis. away. it burned 17,000 acres.feeling jinxed we're just happy we can still go places together. i will say you have to have a snense of humor to get by. our time in florida was wonderful. sunshine and 70's everyday.not a snowflake in sight.spent most time sitting by ocean reading and eating. hate having to come back to reality. 15 degrees here with another 1-3 ins. of snow tonight. ick. brother showed us best places for homemade ice cream. now that i'm home, i'll proably have to step on that scale. trip home uneventful except that they tore sisters new luggage, from scotland; . they said it was normal wear and tear. only 2nd time she used it.arrive home , husband waiting near curb and afraid of getting ticket like last time. he loads luggage too quickly and without really looking slams down handle on sisters luggage thinking it was mine. didn't see button to lower handle. CRACK, there goes handle . oh well, it already was torn. i tell you it's the whole family.amazing we're allowed to go anywhere without giving notice we're coming. we did have a wonderful timejust sorry about suitcase.missed you guys and i have a lot of reading and updating to go through. blessings lynn
  8. blog i can do. photos i'm afraid are beyond my computer knowledge. hopefully son could help with that. blessings lynn
  9. mlp

    maybe a go for sunday

    looks like sun. at 6:30 . only talking about an in. of snow then. i wouldn't know because tv satellite is out .thanks for listening . you guys are the best. you guys are probably hoping as much as i am that i can get out of here. blessings lynn
  10. mlp

    no plane take off

    won't be feeling the warm fa. sun today. not sure if flight was cancelled because of the 5-9 ins. of snow or the 60 mph winds they're expecting along with outages and limbs down. i hate this winter. hopefully we can get a flight for tomorrow , should know later today.not a happy camper. if we can't go then, there's another storm coming mon.&tues did i tell you i hate winter. at least i have another day to vent here you lucky people ..would rather be looking at ocean than this white stuff that looks like it's turning into sleet. sorry i'm just in a bad mood and i hate winter. blessings lynn
  11. thanks asha i'm sure it will be an adventure. blessings lynn
  12. mlp


    what a wonderful blog and on all that you have accomplished. you are an inpiration to us all. blessings lynn
  13. sick and stressed .good work hanging in there and realizing what is best for you both.blessings lynn
  14. hi guys, i'll be away for 12 days if the plane can take off tomorrow. it's been cold but calm all week.however tomorrow it's going to be more snow, some sleet and freezing rain. my sisters and i are supposed to leave for the florida haters please; it's been one of the worst winters in the northeast that i sister has a time share in new smyrna beach where we'll be staying. hubby will get a little break ..i just hope i can keep up with my eldest sister; she's the one who is always on the go,last year ireland and scotland . the day after we arrive home she's taking off for arizona.her friends daughter has a town house so the 2 of them are heading there. my brother lives about 3 mis. away. i think my sister-in-law has our trip all planned. help .i'll miss the stroke network family terribly. i can't think i'lll be going cold turkey. hopefully one day we can go to brothers and i can log in. everybody behave and no falling!okay forget about behaving but still no's hoping for an uneventful flight.blessings lynn
  15. mlp

    O M G

    good for you ignoring such ignorance. it may be wrong but i take solace in what goes around comes around- karma. i'm very thankful you have an understanding boss .i use a cane that has a rubber tripod on the bottom; it makes it easier to have the cane stand by itself.write here whenever it gets to you. we will always give you support because we know how difficult and different strokes can be. i'm happy you have been able to return to work but saddened by some of your co-workers.blessings lynn
  16. i hope you're able to get back behind the wheel soon. rehab should be able to give a true assessment of your abilities. when i first drove my husband was a wreck. i told him i would bring the cell phone and call if there was a problem. if i was going to be longer than first expected i would call to let him know not to worry.i also drive as many of the back roads as possible or at least drive at nonpeak traffic times. good luck and blessings lynn ps it did make life easier because i could schedule app'ts. without the worry of who could drive me.
  17. sue please continue to vent. when you were away did ray fall as often?(seems like years ago i'm sure) if so what did they do?probably had more than 1 person helping out.could you give ray a pillow or something comfortable letting him know that help is coming after a fall; but keep him company while you wait for help. maybe he will see he does need the exercize so he can help you out, or maybe that would lead to arguments.don't know, sorry i can't offer more than emotional support and prayers. blessings lynn
  18. sounds like the three of you are making a great team.continue successblessings lynn
  19. lydia i'm so happy that erin has figured it dog likes to drop the ball just out of my reach but where i can roll it back to myself with the cane. they are so accepting of us and truly a friend in good times and bad.he sounds like a wonderful intelligent friend. blessings lynn
  20. mc what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. flowers, family and italian food. glad you got to meet the girlfriend and liked her.all the best and blessings lynn
  21. sue i'm glad you will take some me time now that you're home. it is so important for you to recharge yourself . next week i'm going to florida with my sisters for 12 days. this will be a little respite for my hubby, caregiver .it should be a great time but i expect a little hectic and exhausting. one sister, the oldest is the energizer bunny and rarely has down other sister is a little more low keyed. she has a timeshare and my brother lives less than 5 miles away. it will be great to get away and see some flowers and green grass..i am a survivor and often get discouraged with my progress or lack of. it is then that i need my cheering squad to remind me of my days when i first came home in wc. hopefully when ray's foot gets better his progress will improve. i still haven't done any of the chat so i appreciate your blogging letting us know how you're doing.blessings lynn
  22. yes we missed you sue but so glad you had a mini vacation.sorry about john. the thought of real tomatoes makes my mouth water. should be about 6 mos. before we'll see them here.however in 2 weeks i'll be going to florida with my sisters and maybe they'll have some there. fingers crossed.hope you imprinted your trip in your mind so you can go there when you feel a burnout coming. blessings lynn
  23. fred wishing you a happy valentine's day. consider this posting a cardblessings lynn
  24. mlp

    my 2011 birthday

    wishing you the happy birthday you deserve. so glad dan called. hopefully you're out celebrating while i'm typing this. let us knowblessings lynn