
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. mlp


    glad you found the blog-dom. love the pictures. hopefully you can take some soon that don't have snow in the pictureblessings mlp lynn
  2. mlp


    hey kelli did you change the homepage here to do the countdown to spring? 79 days! i love it and the baby chicks. outside gives us no clue at all and now they're saying more snow sat. i already said uncle . i'd put out a white flag but no one could see it. where else can you get excited when you see a green blade of grass growing? the little things. blessings mlp lynn
  3. mlp

    grandaughter names birds

    fred in addition to that, the males are a bright red (have to attract the girls) the female is brownish with a red tinge, both quite beautiful. had thegirls today, made mistake other female casrdinal's name is not portia but fortia never heard that one but she insisted that was her name . if i didn't have stroke, i think i would still be losing my mind.most of it went raising 3 boys!blessings mlp lynn
  4. brought back a lot of memories. autumn would be my favorite season if it was followed by spring or summer.if it was following the calendar and lasting only 3 months, it wouldn't be too bad. here in the northeast it's more like6 months.i remember drinking the cocoa sitting on the computer. if you missed your tv program that was too bad. gone forever,no dvr. simply times. blessings mlp lynn
  5. mlp

    times are a changing

    not sure if this is a double reply. if so the other one is in cyberspace.computers are a c hallenge to me also. congratulations on being a survivor. we are a strong group . we may have a different view of life now but i think we just appreciate it more. i'm glad you found us at stroke network. you will find a lot of support and more often than not someone who has already experienced anything you're going through. blessings mlp lynn
  6. great honor. took a while but finally found where i could cast my vote for you;again congrats blessings mlp lynn p.s. the 1st emoticon is a pat on the back if you didn't know lol
  7. mlp

    not this time

    thanks fred feel the same way.blessings lynn
  8. a little humor while we sit out yet another snowstorm.i now have 4 cardinals visiting feeders. i really feel blessed every time i see them. abby named 1st male ocho (no idea why) and 1st female sally. yesterday 2 females on same branch; called her and told her sally had a sister or ocho another girlfriend tsk tsk. told her she had to give the new one a name and she told me to name her. i said rosa, red in spanish, to go with the male's spanish name. she thought a bit and then said no. so much for my turn for a name. lol. she named her portia.!?! later a 2nd male turned up!. wanted to call and see what his name would be;, but when i called earlier, it create some hassle as abby gave phone to maddie to say hi and then took it away. crying and temper ensued and abby then wanted to come here. thought i better wait a day. when son called today i told him that i had a new male and abby had to name him. i suggested cinco(football reference to ochocinco) lol. again i got vetoed. now his name is venti, spanish for clue why this little redheaded irish girl is going spanish? we're supposed to watch girls tomorrow. ocho, sally,portia and venti better showit cracks me up now when i see the birds and say hi to them and thank God for sending them here. it is truly a blessing mlp lynn
  9. mlp

    It's only January 27th

    debbie thinking of you as we await the 1-2 punch storm starting tomorrowhope connecticut is spared. my neice in cheshire has had it, so have we in albany. hopebruce is doing well. blessings mlp lynn next month is spring
  10. thanks for taking the time to blog. we all enjoy the heartfelt updates.i think it's a great hallmark card. blessings mlp lynn
  11. mlp

    Thumb a lift..

    another challenge, another accomplishment, thanks for typing anyway, hopefully the pain will subside. blessings mlp lynn
  12. welcome to our wonderful supportive community blessings mlp lynn

  13. mlp

    fred happy anniversary on joining stroke network. you have brought so many smiles and laughs,you are a blessing mlp lynn

  14. mlp

    not this time

    he is at least working part time. we have kids 2x's week other grandma still working full time.thanks for prayers.spring is coming hopefullyit'll bring new opportunityblessings mlp lynn
  15. mlp

    not this time

    well son didn't get this job but probably for the best. would have meant out of state 3-4 days a week. with wife working changing shifts and often not home until kids, 4&1, in bed. it could be days without seeing either parent know a lot of people are making these kinds of sacrifices and i applaud them . luckily they are in a position with her job that they can still wait it out a little longer.however very difficult emotionally on both of them; think we know a little about that. sorry for boring info, guess i'm doing a little venting .i can see it taking a toll on both of them.ever the optimist, i believe something good will come along; hopefully soon. he sure is trying.thanks guys for support.blessings mlp lynn
  16. phew, that made me tired just reading all you've accomplished.great jobblessings mlp lynn
  17. mlp

    An Old Farmer's Advice

    very good advice i have to stop digging blessings mlp lynn
  18. it depends on the day. some days pin cushion with botox injections.some days a failure as i see the look of disappointment on loved ones faces when i can't do the things i used to do so effortlessly.tongue tied as i try to explain to 4 yr. old why i can't get on the floor to play with her when her other grandmother can(but at least she says the other grandmother is old but i'm not).actually i'm oldermost days just proud of myself for not giving up which would be the easiest.glad i have the fighting irish spirit in me.and happy to have found so many caring friends on this site. today feeling sick of the cold and snow. a high of 6 degrees and other snowstorm in the's good to know that you know other people are going through the same struggles, some worse, and know i'm a's certainly not a bed of roses as brett michaels said every rose has its' thorn. blessings mlp lynn
  19. my house is a wreck and so is the yard. before the stroke i could keep it under control but don't have the strength now. some is me but most really is hubby. he is a fixer. 6 snowblowers, finally 1 is working. many chainsaws because you never know when you might need a least they're outside. generator in living room, eventually will be in the right place. have to pick the arguments. i know he's handling all he can and i think he now realizes just how much i used to do that has now been added to his plate. rather have him here than the perfect house.he too is disabled after 3 knee replacements and a number of arthoscopic surgeries. frontend loader crushed his knee. he really needs another replacement but told it would be his last one because theywould have to use a cadaver bone . he doesn't want to do it because he knows what he can do now but doesn't know what he could do after surgery. can't blame him. i do what i can but find myself tiring very quickly. we're survivors. blessings mlp lynn
  20. mlp


    fred congrats on 7 yrs. we are truly blessed and have come a long way. proof of this is that we are one said it would be easy and it's not, but we keep working at it. God is never far away but always watching over us. we are not on this journey alone. we may not know His plan but we are part of it. like a lot of folks here i was told i would never walk and had achieved all i could or would. boy i love to prove those doctors wrong.thankful to have my family giving me encouragement. maybe you don't have family support that's why your stroke family is here to urge you on. we are a strong group and won't give up. always room for more improvement. as lenny says never give up.fight the good fight. blessings mlp lynn
  21. great now i have tears in my eyes. we know we're survivors but there is so much more to it. your friend was a wise man and reminded me of a wonderful friend who put up a heck of a fight- heart transplant,severe diabetes, finally losing the battle of bone and lung cancer. i remember i commented on a particular beautiful autumn day just how beautiful it was and. he said any day you wake up and open your eyes is a beautiful day. he lived life to its fullest.harley rider,driving his quad on country paths and a wonderful grandfather to my grandkids- my son's father-in-law george. great more tears. point being live and love each day as hard as you can play. as one of our survivors stated. stroke (age), i won!. blessings mlp example looking at your picture with christain lenny.
  22. another brain freeze. have to redo blog original in cyber spaceson traveled 3 hr. yesterday for test for national grid. hasn't had a decent job in over yr. luckily wife does. he wnted to make sure he was there for test, another snowstorm comingi'm done with winter but apparently it's not done with the northeast.unreal; he gets email this morning saying test postponed until tomorrow or next week because of weather. he's staying at motel again and hopes the test will be tomorrow or else another 3hr. trip.great!just looked outside and in addition to icicles melting, it's snowing again. we just got an additional 6 ins. last night watched grandkids yesterday until wife got home at 9pmnot to complain but plaing barbie for 5 hrs. could causehad trouble getting clothes on the barbie, 4 yr. old says"that's okay nanny she can go COMMANDOdon't know where she got that from but think i need a keep your mouth closed emoticon. this is the one who said after soccer practice-i want my old life backher mom just called saying her mom will watch the girls overnight ,whew the pres. was here today visiting general electric about 15 miles away. gov. cuomo tried to give him a jets hat but come on the bears are in the hunt.guess the secret service took it. didn't get to see air force one fly over but saw it when clinton was flying to albany. it flew over my work place. now that is one big plane.better try and see if this will post. no computer geek here lol. blessings mlp
  23. i'm usually good for 1 fall a year and it's because i get impatient and try to do something i shouldn't. hopefully you and sue are done falling for the year and beyond. if i'm down, i'm down for the count until someone comes to help.. if my husbands gone for the day. i promised kids and sister to keep cell phone in my pocket. .i know i always have to remind my husband to call to thank his mom for christmas present.a rule i thought was good when kids were young and even applies to adults is that you can't use the present or cash until you thank the person who gave it to you. i have to admit i don't always follow my own ruleblessings mlp
  24. mlp

    space walking

    sue i'm so glad you're alright. i usually get a little brain nudge that tells me not to do something; like picking up something too heavy; if i neglect that voice,i usually regret it.once a year i seem to get a reminder. last fall was in nov.and i hope that is the last fall. i'm paying closer attention to that little voice.blessings mlp