
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by mlp

  1. what a beautiful avatar blessingsmlp

  2. sorry about the ravens. too bad they couldn't call the game at halftime.blessings mlp

  3. mlp

    fred happy anniversary. hope the slots were good to both your wife and yourself.we now have a countdown on our homepage to easter yay!i got rid of frosty asap.blessingsmlp

  4. mlp

    30 1/2 inches

    my niece lives in cheshire and they also got hammered. if you get a chance take a look at fking's post of snow diary. it should be read for a laugh while the snow blows. here in albany we're expecting a new storm tues. we only got about 15 ins.and right now they say it may be a repeat of the last one .at least husband got snowblower going today. also the new spring and easter banner is on the homepage. i couldn't change frosty fast enoughhoping spring comes early blessings mlp
  5. mlp

    What DO you see?

    looks like a greek goddess in an archway too plus a beehive on the head of the man on the left; a bottle for an earring? love the eye challenges. thanks blessings mlp
  6. i love this picture. if you take the time there is so much to see just as there is every day when we take the time. i have to continue looking in order to see any horseblessings mlp
  7. hi jeanniebean i saw that you live in ga. i hope you survived the ice and snow. here in ny upstate they're talking about a second bliaazrd on wed. i really hate the snow. it would be find if winter was 3mos. and not 6.blessings mlp

  8. mlp

    a quick hello and welcome to the network. you will find a lot of support ,kindness,friends and infoblessings mlp

  9. being a wise guy before i read your blog i was going to say how are things down under in the summer and then i read your blog and found out. glad to see you have some of that irish blood. that stubborness has gotten me a lot further than the doctors thought. i'll continue my prayers and wish you nothing but the best and a little me time. as i believe popeye said i've takes all i can and i can't takes no more (or maybe that was me) we're here anytime so know you are loved and prayed for and say hey God this one's (worry) on You.blessings mlp
  10. hope you didn't think i was bragging about reading 3 books. ebooks are pretty condensed.just learned that next year apple may be introducing a smaller ipad and for less money. it should also accept those apps. and i think library loans. i 've heard about. not too tech savvy. husband and i watched the 2 grandkids 4 and 1 1/2 yesterday. a little crazy at 7:30 in the morning but thrilled we live so close to be able to do it, 20 miles,. however the high pitch screeching contest is a little tough on the ears. later in the evening and most thurs. nights is girls night out which is really in but we get take out. i go to my sister who shares a duplex with my other sister. we get together with two of my nieces, to make a full sisters are my best friends so i am truly blessed. now if i could just get this left side of my body to work things would be really super .notice that in my intro about myself i warned you i had a tendency to babble the blizzard of last week has melted so this weekend we're getting 4-8 ins. of snow. already tired of winter. however it's the football playoffs so i'm good staying in. also in case you can't tell i love emoticons.tried to put in another here and my computer froze lol it would have been the smily face and flowers. wishing you all blessings mlp
  11. mlp

    A stroke scare.

    now that it's the new year i pray it's a happy and healthy one. i agree that you need to just take it easy.listen to your body and let us know if you've gone to the doctor since and what was said. peace and blessings.mlp glad God was listening.
  12. thought my profile was actually my blog; but when i clicked on blog it said i didn't have one. you can see what i mean when i said i like to laugh and usually at myselfi received a kindle for Christmas an love it . already read 3 books. however today i learned that it isn't compatible with tmy lending library.i hope "amazon" will soon give their permission. apparently you can download with the nook. bummer for me. however i would check first with my own library.there are still many free books on amazon and it is great to be reading again. what a difference. i used to use those massive paper clips as a bookmark and they were always flying across the room the kindle takes care of all that and remembers where i was.right now i have 91 items which include free samples of books on it and i can carry all that in my pocketbook without much may be tough but it's good.sorry for the lack of the capital letters but i figured you would understand the difficulty of hitting the shift and whatever letter i wanted .mostly watched football yesterday. sorry to see it coming to a close but looking forward to the playoffs.i want to wish all a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR.r.crazy weather in albany ny. saturday it hit 50. today we're trying to reach the freezing mark. i sure do have a tendency to rambleplease continue to pray for each other and our troops. we all can use a little help.blessings. mlp
  13. mc you know we are all here praying and cheering you on for the new year.i too know how stubborn sons can be (i have 3). eventually they come aroound but they can test your limits. 2011 is a whole new start and i think it should be the best yet. so sorry to hear of your loss but hopefully this will get your son thinking about what you said.wishing you a very happy and healthy new year. blessings mlp
  14. mlp

    Merry Christmas to all.....

    wishing you a very happy and healthy new year. just one bit of advice( from experience). never say Lord what next?. He might just show you. blessings mlp stay strong
  15. sorry i missed your birthday happy belated. sounds like the best holiday;.family, presents and cheesecake.i'm glad you got to see christain open grandaughter got a barbie townhouse. i want to live there. it has an elevator;hot tub;flatsceen tv that recedes behind the fireplace with remote;shower toilet sink;kitchen; bed with netting;who could ask for anything more? thankfully the blizzard didn't come until after christmas.poor hubby still snowblowing. blessings mlp
  16. what a beautiful story and reminder for the season that we are never alone. thanks blessings mlp
  17. mlp

    hey fred just wanted to wish you a very merry christmas thanks for always keeping our spirits up and remembering all the sacrifices our troops are making esp. this time of year. let us all keep them in our prayers everyday. mlp

  18. mlp

    Fish bowl

    j justt want to say thanks for the smile this brought;even though i'm more of a dog lover.blessings mlp
  19. hey kelli april we're both taurus, the bull, so we're pretty stubborn and will keep on trucking. lynn

  20. mlp

    Murphy's Wounded And Down

    mike just came upon yours and bernie's story. thank God i came to this happier update. another two added to my prayer list. i know about the hardy irish. doctors said i would never walk again and that's when my irish kicked into high gear. wishing you and bernie all the best and many blessings. please keep us updated.congrats on keeping your frustration and anger in check.son and husband weren't quite as good when i fell twice in the hospital. the nurses even pu t a leaf over my bed. it was the symbol of fall i was pretty ticked since both times it was hosp. fault. lynn btw grandaughter has bright red hair and the personality to go with it.go irish
  21. dear fred this is why i asked to be put on your friend list. once again you made me smile and laugh. please keep it coming and lightening the load. blessing mlp
  22. i think and pray for you often. please continue to let us know how you're doing blessings to you
