
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About lfeiljj

  • Birthday 08/08/1958

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  1. Happy Anniversary lfeiljj!

  2. Happy Anniversary lfeiljj!

  3. Happy Anniversary lfeiljj!

  4. Happy Birthday lfeiljj!

  5. I honestly want to cry thinking about how hard this must be for the both of you. My husband had a stroke on christmas morning and He's back to work. A little slower but he's managing. It's amazing how life can completely change in an instant. I wish you both the very best. I think you made the right decision. You can only do so much. Lori
  6. There's a wonderful organization called ModestNeeds.org where there is a very good chance you can get help buying a car for your son. You are a very strong woman; you can do this. many people are pulling for you. I wish we lived closer to you so I could help. If you're open to it I can help you with the application at modestneeds.org. They've helped us a great deal. Be well. Breath...

  7. Welcome to the forums lfeiljj :)