
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by bigrob2945

  1. Happy Anniversary bigrob2945!

  2. Happy Anniversary bigrob2945!

  3. bear hugs manders, hope your well

  4. ty sir, i usually try to make it n on the young survivor chat nights. nice to meet u also.

  5. bear hugs Sarah, how r u doin?

  6. ive missed talkin to u 2 kelli, been real hectic round here lately. hope to c u soon, yeti hugs

  7. sry i missed u tonight

  8. howdy kelli im prolly goin to b little late to chat tonight, but i hope to make it, n hope to c ya

  9. wb darlin, hope to ttys

  10. ty sir, nice to meet u. it definitely takes a fighting spirit, hope dies last

  11. howdy kelli, sry i havent been round much lately, miss ya

  12. how u been barb, bear hugs

  13. lol, ty for your kind words darlin, u rock perty hard also

  14. bear hugs my friend, hope u had good day, holler soon

  15. hope u had great day doll

  16. look forward to gettin to know u barb, hope u had good day

  17. howdy socialwork, nice to meet u, wishing u an expedient recovery

  18. hi barb, was nice to meet u tonight, sry i got booted outta chat, didnt mean to go. hope to c u soon. bear hug

  19. im sorry kelli, hope u feel better

  20. have a good day darlin, ttys

  21. howdy my friend, hope u r well, luv ya

  22. bear hugs doll, hope your doin well kelli

  23. was nice to meet u leigh

  24. was nice to meet u steph

  25. nice to meet u also