
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by bigrob2945

  1. nice to meet u miss D

  2. bear hugs manders

  3. ive never been on antidepressants since my stroke, but i was severely depressed for 2yrs following my stroke. i just chose to deal with it on my own terms. i went from a 6'8'' college basketball player to a guy who can no longer walk or speak so it hit me hard. i wallowed for 2yrs n then decided to find my purpose n life. before my strok i wanted to b the sec. of educ. so i went back to school n finished my bachelors n am now workin toward ph.d. i now advocate for people with tbi. i give presentations at tbi conferences among other things. i served on the board of the disability rights commission in arkansas for 2yrs.
  4. hi Jillian, nice to meet u, look forward to gettin to know u

  5. nice to meet u Amanda, hope u like it here

  6. was nice to meet u kelly, look forward to gettin to know u

  7. sorry my friend, i accidentally clicked something n it knocked me outta chat

  8. adapt, improvise, overcome