
Stroke Survivor - female
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About shelley

  • Birthday 09/01/1961

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  1. Happy Anniversary shelley!

  2. Happy Anniversary shelley!

  3. i'll pray a prayer for you. My son went to college a few years ago. it takes a while, but its time to be his own self. shelley
  4. Thank you, I'll IM go! :forgive_me?:
  5. Lin, Right on the money! I should have put these things on the list. Shelley
  6. Did you liked cooking before you had a stroke? I will have only one hand. I asked asked myself, "Can i did it again?" YES! You can do this and I'll give you a couple of lessons. 1. Get a dvd or ondemand for your favorite chef. I like the Barefoot Contessa because she has Back to Basics - very clean, very nice and easy recipes. ! watched it over and over so I can make the recipe. If you don't have Barefoot Contessa, it's okay, use someone else. 2. The food processor is a must have. Not just to cut vegeatbles, but one someone is making a dressing and add olive oil and a whisk, you can use a food processor. 3. The OVEN. It can really hurt if you don't think things through. What does the recipe bake? If there is a 9 x 13 pan for lasagna, make 2 (or more) little pans. Stand on the side of the oven and be careful of your other arm. 4. The cutting board is really needed. I have one that has a few nails and it has a vise and spikes to hold the vegetables or the meat so you can cut it. You need to have one because the cutting board doesn't have nails. A handicapped retail or online can help. 5. Thank Goodness that i have an battery operated can opener. The only thing is that I have to get someone when it needs batteries. I hope this helps! Bon Appetite!
  7. shelley

    Trying Again

    Applause! i'm going to work out at the YMCA. Do you think this will help someone who had a stroke 3 years ago? Shelley
  8. Well. You have Courage. Bless you. shelley
  9. Well, I was so excited, so nervous, so careful, so nauseus all because I was going to DRIVE through TRAFFIC in HOUSTON to my hospital! Aargh! I had been driving in the suburbs for 6 months. Had some near misses, but nothing like this. I really thought things through. I was going to park on the east side of the apartment instead of the north side because the ignition doesn't work right. The night before, every 2 hours I was awake, looking at the clock thinking it was time. I looked at Mapquest, Yahoo, and Google to study the directions and photos of the hospital (even through I've been there many times with family). It said leave 45 minutes to get there, so i gave it 2 hours! All these for one thing-I had to drive myself. Completely, myself. I DID IT! I went slow and I thought that guadian angels were behind me, going slow. I was estatic. I made it.
  10. Asha, Thank you for your comments. I will try not too be depressed. I have to remember that God wants me to do something, bot what? shelley
  11. Debbie, what a great idea! I like to do something each night. Thanks, shelley
  12. I have been in an apartment for a week. I'm starting to get the hang of it. I keep thinking,"What will I do with myself?" Three years I was a teacher for 5th grade, my son had autism, my mom had passed on, I've lost 70 lbs. and was really to be dating.Three years ago, I had a stroke and that changed my life! What will I do with myself? (sniff sniff) My son, 20, now lives with his dad in Milwaukee and comes here two times a year. I've started volunteering with this gardening group every week. I work in the greenhouse. I've been thinking about becoming a Master Gardener. I'm not such of it will be handicapped acessibilty or not. It's the other things that we try not to think about. The ones who come out at night. The depression is the worse thing I have to know. The worst. What will I do about that?