
Stroke Survivor - female
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About mandapanda

  • Birthday 10/27/1984

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Facebook URL!/profile.php?id=1206933318
  • Interests
    *cell phones(txting&& talking)
    *friends/family(hanging out
  • How did you find us?
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mandapanda's Achievements

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  1. Happy Anniversary mandapanda!

  2. Happy Anniversary mandapanda!

  3. i'm living life to the fullest

  4. mandapanda

    More senior Moments

    theseare great. thanks for the laughs. i had to share with my friends and family.
  5. mandapanda

    anniversary blues

    Kim- hello, beautiful.first off I want you to kno i feel for you.i am 26 years old and the first thing i think to myself when i get dress every morning is what are people going to be whispering about me today but you are a beautiful women with a husband. you have your life what else could you ask for? Dont let others actions or words get you down. do what makes you happy with a smile on your face everytime.
  6. Welcome to the forums mandapanda :)