
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by lydiacevedo

  1. Happy Anniversary lydiacevedo!

  2. Happy Anniversary lydiacevedo!

  3. We're both in Tampa. Would love to get to know a fellow survivor, sclose to home.

  4. Live fully: Laugh loudly, Cry honestly, Sleep deeply, Eat heartily & Love unconditionally

  5. SO, it is official. I've had "another stroke." This time, it felt like my brain was trying to explode out of my head. I wnt to the doctor. Read all about it on my blog.

  6. Life has gotten so busy since we added Monster to the family that sometimes the guys forget I had a stroke and I have to remind htem that I'm not up to doing 7 things at once any more. For a little while, they can't figure out whay. LOL!!

  7. I don't know how remarkable I am, I just refuse to give up on things. Welcome to Stroke Net. Hope to find you in the chats one day!!

  8. Welcome to Stroke Net, Marci! Did you know that the beautiful white canine angel that is your avatar can be trained, by yourself, or by a trainer to be your constant companion and service dog? Yes, stroke survivors can and do benifit by service animals. I am a big supporter of them and have been chronicalling my experiences training my own service dog on my blog. I invite you to go read it....

  9. Still having mixed feelings about the doctor visit yesterday. Don't really feel like blogging much today, or posting in the forums, but should be back to myself in a day or so.