
Stroke Survivor - male
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About greenmount

  • Birthday 07/06/1945

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  1. Happy Anniversary greenmount!

  2. Happy Birthday greenmount!

  3. Happy Anniversary greenmount!

  4. Hi Don, just saw your first post and realised you are an Aussie too. Welcome to a great stroke support site. Sue.

  5. dysgeusia how can i fix it

  6. Happy Birthday greenmount!

  7. Hi Don: Nice meeting you on newbie chat yesterday. Your diagnosis of dysgeusia post-stroke was very interesting. It could come from dry mouth, which I have also. The coughing could result from dry throat and dry airway, which I have, and which can affect my swallowing, resulting in choking and coughing. I'm just guessing, and your symptoms could be quite different. All the best in your re...

  8. Welcome to the forums greenmount :)