
Stroke Survivor - female
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About linda6363

  • Birthday 12/24/1958

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    dogshows, breeding Neapolitan Mastiffs, stained glass,
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  1. Happy Anniversary linda6363!

  2. Happy Anniversary linda6363!

  3. Happy Birthday linda6363!

  4. linda6363

    Linda's photos

    just pictures from here and there
  5. Happy Birthday linda6363!

  6. the one i count is the one that left lingering deficets but the ct showed i had 2 previous ones that i was unaware of. hugs linda
  7. Happy Birthday linda6363!

  8. Am I right? Today? Is it the first year anniversary of your recovery?

    If so, BRAVO!


  9. my husband was so wonderful and now all i feel is his resentment

  10. I used to show dogs. I showed and bred golden retrievers for over 16 yrs. Had kids and dabbled with shows with a beautiful dobie. How can you continue w/ shos now? I cannot use my left arm or open my hand on command. Cheers! Julie

  11. Thank you for this insight as I feel is going through a plateau at the moment