
Stroke Survivor - female
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About ellenj

  • Birthday 11/11/1958

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

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ellenj's Achievements

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New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary ellenj!

  2. Happy Anniversary ellenj!

  3. I hope you get my message back to you today. I really don't know how to close an account. See one of the modirators I think!


  4. I sent you 2 messages, no reply from you! If I had your email, I could give you my cell number. My email is listed on my profile. Yours say private so I can't click on it like you can mine!

  5. Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I hope I am doing this right!!! Still trying to find my way around.

  6. I am still trying to find my way around this board - I hope I am doing this right! Please, do call me Ellen.

  7. I hope it's okay to call you Ellen?

  8. Welcome to the forums ellenj :)