
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by socialwork555

  1. So let me tell you how I am feeling. Better, because the anti-depressant kicked in, but impatient. I did my OT exercises yesterday, and since my OT wants me to wait until the tone goes down before I start my next exercise it took me 2 hours. Now I wouldn't mind this if this ever lead to immediate results, but as you know, it doesn't. I'm just venting, by the way. You do all this work and you wonder if it's doing anything. So I had a fill in OT on Fri and he says he wants me to do all the exercises every day. This really is possible, because I wake up before the birds start chirping at five or six, and start the coffee. Coffee, by the way, is a requirement for OT exercises. Did any of you actually do your OT exercises every day? Is that realistic when you are also supposed to walk every day, and socialize because it's good for your overall well-being? What I like doing is typing (here) and emailing, and journaling because I'm practicing my handwriting. I want to make sure my handwriting and typing skills are very good because both are left-handed now. By the way, the handwriting really takes forever to get good at, so now I'm working on fast. I'm happy here with my mom, and have given up plans to move to my house by myself because I clearly need my mom right now. Early on, getting back to the house was all I could think about. But in the name of recovery, I realize I'm best where I'm cared about, and assisted. Plus, there's no way I can walk my dog. He's way too strong. I'm sad that he acts like she's his mom now, but I just need to focus on me. It took me a long time to realize my identity, but now I own it; I'm a stroke survivor. It's changed me, my values, who I am as a person. I was embarrassed at first, somewhat in denial, but right now the stroke is so much a part of who I am. Three days per week at the hospital, where the valet guy knows my name, every week or two at the Coumadin clinic. Even at the shoe store I had to say I had a stroke because I need shoes that will work for me. I bought sandals but I'm not sure I can wear them. Maybe I can wear them but walk really slow. I'm here on this journey and some days I'm ok with it, and somedays I hate it, but I'm still here. I've never missed a day of therapy. I'm very lucky in a lot of respects.
  2. Hi. I'm Christine and it's been four months since my stroke. I was pretty much incapacitated when I was in ICU. My right side was pretty much shot. I guess I have accomplished a lot in the last four months. I can walk pretty well, and when I get worn out I seem to have balance issues. But all in all the walking's come a long way. I still have ankle issues. My PT is at risk of being stopped, even though I feel like I still want them cheering me on. But the rest I really can do on my own. My OT is just getting started as far as I'm concerned. I'm just now, finally, starting to move my arm in different directions. The hand can only squeeze to grip, but cannot release very often. But I feel like I am really seeing results, and I make sure to do my home exercises. This week when I went to the movies it was clear to me how much help I need. I can to be on the side of the theatre that had the hand rail on the left side while going down the stairs----because of my ankle. Additionally my friend carried stuff for me when we got concessions. Luckily, I never go to the movies alone. But it's so much to think about! So that's my first blog, like it or not.
  3. Big Rob rocks the strokenetwork. He's got a great attitude!

  4. From the album: albumn

    Why can't I just lay around and sleep like snowy. On down days, I wish I could, but my brain just won't let me.
  5. From the album: albumn

    My mom had to learn how to apply kineseotape.
  6. From the album: albumn

    My Greenley sleeps with me. That was the best thing about coming home.
  7. From the album: albumn

    My outpatient OT. Cones...lots of em.
  8. From the album: albumn

    Outpatient. I still do this today
  9. From the album: albumn

    Pre-stroke. My face looks the same, and luckily I can still do my hair that way. No ponytails. No curling irons. And make-up can be done with one hand.
  10. From the album: albumn

    She's been the best friend I've had. She's been there throughout.
  11. From the album: albumn

    My aunt Millie has been a great support. Pre-stroke. One month before
  12. From the album: albumn

    Dogs allowed! I was sooo happy to see him.
  13. From the album: albumn

    My furry I looked out the window
  14. From the album: albumn

    My room. I hadn't had a roommate since college.
  15. From the album: albumn

    This is how cold the coffee was at rehab....but I was desperate