
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by thephoenix

  1. Happy Anniversary thephoenix!

  2. Happy Anniversary thephoenix!

  3. the turtle sounds cool.I'll post a pic of mine :o)but only if you promise to show me the turtle :o)

  4. my office is freezing.. I'm outta here soon :o)at least my drive back to NYC isn't so scary anymore

  5. Hi Ksmith I LOL'd at the sticker or shirt you described "stroke survivor please understan. if you don't go ****yoff :o0 thats awesome I would totally wear it :o) Saw that you're getting a attoo... What are you getting if I may ask I got one too after my stroke. Another stroke friend of mine also got one. I felt lie I needed to reclaim my left ide and I wanted to mark it with som...

  6. Hi Linda, glad you foud me, it's Oriana Cornett MD from HFS :o) Im not sure how to acept you as a friend her as Im new to this site and you're my first friend but I'll figure it out :o) thanks for the request :o) hope you're doing well these days. Im off to leave work and drive home, been feeling tired and hugry all daso home will be nice.writ more later :o)