
Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by thephoenix

  1. I know what you mean I love cooking but just sort of stopped after the stroke. I've always been scrappy so i'll putter around in the kitchen using my knees and normal right hand to oprn jars ect and I have my hubby dice veggies as I don't have a spikey cutting board but I think I'll be getting one after reading about tthem. I cooked last night after I got home from work and I was really proud of myself I think it's a good thing that you're proud of yourself for cooking. its hard to do 1 handed. So, Kudos for fighting through it. Im going to try and cook more. its just healthirer for our family and it makes me feel great :o) My favorite thing to do when Im in the need of feeling independant is to hail a taxi in Manhattan. I do it every week after therapy. My husband scolded me once during the winter months for not calling a service and waiting for them, indoors before going out. I oold him if I were 'normal' I would've walked out and hailed a taxi... I wouldn't have called a service and waited inside so that's exactly whaat I did I go out and hail my cab and when I get into the back seat I feel so good about me :o) So independent and I love it :o) So keep cooking I know I will :o) ciao
