
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by SusanD

  1. Happy Anniversary SusanD!

  2. Happy Anniversary SusanD!

  3. Hi,I'm Susan 51, I had a stroke 1/1/11 and am doing remarkably we ll, mostly mental issues. I don't have any advice or anything for you. I just want tot say You're awesome to be doing all those trhinggs after 2 strokes and only1 week from the last one!!!! I get ill with my lazy husband sometimes and play out in my mind what I 'd like to say, but compared to you, I'm doing nothing myself! I do get what you mean about being a different person after a stroke;I mourn the "death" of the old me and don'tlike the NEW me ( how can I expect anyone else to like me if I don't like myself??) GiveMonster a big hug and tell him all about how bad things are! Dogs are terrific listeners ( I don't have one any more& can't get anyone to fix my old lot& back yard for another one and hubby says No inside dog!!(I really think a dog is what I need to et me out of this, but I'm ot ablew to take cae of one properly & hate to depend on family to do it.)
  4. Lydia,You sound like a remarkable lady!Youlook a lot like my 21 year old daughter, Kyla Faith! Best Wishes for a fast& full recovery!


  5. Unlikethe majority of stroke survivors that I'vemet on some support groups; my stroke didn't leave mewith any physicalhandicaps( I can walk,talk ans move my body likeI always did, I just have to move slower and morecarefully now. MY big issues are extreme weakness/stamina,difficulty consentrating & focusing on what is going on around me! Reading the simplest instructions confuses me and my ears ring non-strop! I wonder i f any of you would careto share your story of recovery? Evceryone keeps telling me tha it will just take time to get backto feeling normal; how much time &how close to normal can I expect? I feel guilty complaining about my trivial issues compare to what many of you arefacing! You're All inspiring to me and I try to whisper a prayeron each one's behalf every night God Bless, Susan