
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by SusanD

  1. I have a version of this game at my home. any tendencies my husband had during our 13 years together that I either compensated for or we argued about, became bones of contention once my stroke changed the status quo by either making it impossible for me to do the parts I'd always done or by having to wait to accomplish fully a task that I can do, Like...if say I wanted toast and I can get every bit of that task done except for opening a new jar of jam. Honey, could you open this for me? Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.. 10 minutes later.ok, my toast is cold, what are you doing? I'm just watching the end of this pool video or something else you will see no value in compared to your obviously time sensitive need... Arg! Arg! I think it would be easier on the both of us if I were a more passive person without control issues or if he didn't procrastinate or just did what I none of thats gonna happen though. It seems we have a little blow-out every once in a while and it resets us both to being more mindful of the other and the cycles are getting longer and the blow-outs less traumatic at 16 months post-stroke That's my house anyway. Your vent did make me laugh...between the deja vu and your dogs name. :)


    Hi,I'm Susan 51, I had a stroke 1/1/11 and am doing remarkably we ll, mostly mental issues. I don't have any advice or anything for you. I just want tot say You're awesome to be doing all those trhinggs after 2 strokes and only1 week from the last one!!!! I get ill with my lazy husband sometimes and play out in my mind what I 'd like to say, but compared to you, I'm doing nothing myself! I do get what you mean about being a different person after a stroke;I mourn the "death" of the old me and don'tlike the NEW me ( how can I expect anyone else to like me if I don't like myself??)

    GiveMonster a big hug and tell him all about how bad things are! Dogs are terrific listeners ( I don't have one any more& can't get anyone to fix my old lot& back yard for another one and hubby says No inside dog!!(I really think a dog is what I need to et me out of this, but I'm ot ablew to take cae of one properly & hate to depend on family to do it.)