
Stroke Survivor - female
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About kimeich

  • Birthday 08/04/1967

Shared Information

  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (third stroke)
  • Facebook URL!/profile.php?id=1135613427
  • Interests
    Musical Theater, needlework & design (costuming, knitting, quilting, tailoring, beading, millinery...), Film & television (mostly British TV), acting, music, choreography/dancing, history (primarily British1400's-1600's), cats (the pet, not the show!), comics and graphic novels.
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

Registration Information

  • First Name
  • State
    New Jersey

kimeich's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary kimeich!

  2. Happy Anniversary kimeich!

  3. Happy Birthday kimeich!

  4. kimeich

    How it all happen

    Doreen, my strokes began almost exactly the same day that yours did. Because my strokes left me largely unimpared physically, it took me a long time to face that I was not, infact, fine. When I began to face the fact that I needed help, I looked and found Strokenet. I haven't been here very long, but everytime I log on, it helps me a great deal. The people here have all be fantastic; I have found that they can help when I think no one can. All the best, Kim
  5. It was wonderful talking with you Sunday evening. You said a lot of things that I absolutely relate to and deal with every day. Thank you for your chatting; it has really helped me feel not quite so alone, you know? :)

    Welcome to the boards! Support is always here!

  6. Happy Birthday kimeich!

  7. Welcome to the forums kimeich :)