
Stroke Caregiver - male
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Everything posted by reegr

  1. Happy Anniversary reegr!

  2. Happy Anniversary reegr!

  3. Deb, I know what you mean about exhaustion and frustration. That is my life too. I know my work ethic has gone to pot, I have such a hard time caring about anything right now. I know I need to work on acceptance. It is just taking some time. Take care of yourself, Bob
  4. Sue, I just learned of Ray's passing. I want you to know how sorry I am for your loss. I know how difficult things have been for both you and Ray. I am thinking of you as you go through this most difficult time. Know that your online community is saddened by your loss and is praying for you. Bob
  5. reegr


  6. reegr

    Life turns on a dime

    Oh Debbie, I'm sorry that things are going this way for you. I suppose we are lucky, Dominica's caregiver is willing to get in the pool with her. I haven't been to the pool with her in a long time, but her caregiver took her last week. I'm at the point where I think we need to find an additional caregiver. We just bought some strawberries yesterday from a local farm, they are so good. We also got some locally grown lettuce. I'm looking forward to some more locally grown goodness!!
  7. Dominica and I at Plymouth Harbor July 4th, 2009 (pre stroke).
  8. From the album: Me

    I stopped to give Dominica a hug a quarter of a mile before the finish of the Boston Marathon.
  9. From the album: Me

    On April 16, 2012 I ran the Boston Marathon. This is Dominica and I afterwards.
  10. From the album: Me

  11. Learning how to help my girlfriend live with her stroke.

  12. Hi Baby, I'll be your friend on here :)