
Stroke Survivor - female
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About Daf

  • Birthday 05/13/1973

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  1. Happy Anniversary Daf!

  2. Happy Anniversary Daf!

  3. Im glad i have helped you understand i think ,,, its just hard a times you explain to someone what your day is like on a bad day !!! Or how your mind is after a stroke ,, i still havent fully understood why or accepted by self that i had a stroke ,,.. Maybe i dont want to and thats why i am not healing the way i am suppose to ,,, In time im sure i will ,, i dont even know if i like the new me either i have alot to work on,,, ... And im sure its hard on a caregiver as well ,,....
  4. you know your rite and im tired of doing it ,, no one understand unless you have been there ,,... No one really cares how i feel but my family well some of them .. thanks for the pep talk ..
  5. Thank you ,,, and you right there is a reason i didnt leave this world ,,, who knowns why we get as sick as we do ,,, but i did and yes it is a challenge everyday but i do get up and face the day and spend all my time with my son ,, i love his mornings hugs ,,, i know things will get better im the type things had to be done yesterday ,,.. but i do know things take time...
  6. Having a bad couple of days and hearing my family tell me o its because your sister got marry like a week ago its from all the partying !!! Im like no its not i had a stroke people ,, and im still healing ,,. Its not like ok i broke my arm or leg and its heals in 4 to 6 weeks !!!!.. THe healing process takes sometime and the doctor said to me that im going to have good days and bad ones and the bad ones may feel like the first day of your stroke ..... I am not going to sit here and explain myself to my family and friends on why i am having a bad day ,.. I know they dont understand ,, or know how i am feeling ,, . My mom i think is in denial about it ,, were my wife she getting better at it ,, my sister she listens to me and doesnt say anything to me were i rather that ,, my friends on the other hand try to understand and if they dont they tell me but also say if you ever need to talk im here for you ... My aunt i want to tell her to *beep* off ,,, .. Tired of hearing your lucky to be alive,,, i know i am !!!! I thank the person up stairs every day that i am here to see my son and my wife and family all the time ,,... Its not easy being me at times ,... On someone bad day its my worse day ,,.. I have been having more bad ones lately for whatever reason ..... I hope it gets better i dont like the new me ...... I cry when im having a really bad day and wish that things were alot different ,,.. Trying to make a new life for my self isnt easy at all,,, having patient after a stroke is a bitch ,,, Its hard !!!!!!......
  7. Daf

    Feeling A lil Depressed !!!

    Thank you i think i have not dealt with know i had a stroke ,, it is still hard for me to think that i had a stroke ,, it is hard for me to imagine that i had one because i walk fine but its my speech that kills me nd the tiredness ,,.. but i am get thou it the best way i know how ,,.... thanks for listening ...
  8. Daf

    Feeling A lil Depressed !!!

    you are very funny thank you for making me laugh its appreciate it ...
  9. Well lately for the last week or so i have been feeling a lil depressed ,, or under the weather ,,... Im tried of feeling tired all the time,,, im afraid to go back to work because my brain doesnt work the same as it use to ,... And at times i have to remind my mom nd my wife that i had a STROKE ,, i some times hate my self ,, after the stroke i am not the same it *beep* me off.... My short term memory is shout,,... I still cant believe myself that i had a STROKE..... But im lucky that my family have been very supportive of me they dont understand completely what i am going thou nd that ok because i am not excepting them to .... They as well as me wish this had not had happen but it did..... I use to be on the go all the time working working ,, .. Can do anything ,, nd now i have to watch what i do nd how heavy i can lift nd playing with my son i have to watch that as well ,,.. Life just sux right now !!!!!! Im happy im alive dont get me wrong !!!!! I wish my cards were dealt differently is all.....Who knowns why anyone as a stroke ...... Im sure there is a really good freaking reason why this happen..........
  10. Happy Birthday Daf!

  11. Daf

    Lion and the sheep

    Kelli ,, you need kelli time,, and if family dont understand how you feel or what your going thou thats on them , you need to take care of you , nd your baby ... You didnt ask for a stroke no one does,,,my mom forgets or doesnt want to knowledge that i had a stroke a year ago... I have a 2 1/2 yr old son ,, ..And my wife is still trying to understand or be ok with my issues with whats on my plate..... Dont worry about what your in laws say or think ,, no one understand what it is like to have a stoke unless you had one your self ,,, .. take care of your self oyu need to talk im here.... Dorean
  12. Daf

    How it all happen

    You Kim it was the hardest thing to realize that i had a stroke ,,, still cant believe i did ,, i cant do the same things anymore like i use to nd it really sux..... But i am alive nd that is what matters right now ,,, i have a family that loves me nd even if my memory doesnt work the same anymore they are dealing with it the best way they know how .....
  13. Daf

    How it all happen

    Thank you Will trying here it can get confusing especially after a stroke things dont look the same anymore at times im glad i join this site i hope it works for me .... And here i though i was alone my self....
  14. It was wonderful talking with you Sunday evening. You said a lot of things that I absolutely relate to and deal with every day. Thank you for your chatting; it has really helped me feel not quite so alone, you know? :)

    Welcome to the boards! Support is always here!

  15. Daf

    How it all happen

    On April 14th 2010, i was at work when i collapsed at work,, my legs gave out and i couldnt understand why.. I have been having headacks for 3 months straight before the stroke happen.. I was rushed to the hospital,, to be released and was told it was just an anxity attach ,,but i knew something was up... the very next day my left side hand was moving by its self , and my left eye i couldnt see out of.... Was rushed to another hospital , and they did x ray on me to tell me that i had had a stroke ,,, thank god my wife was there thou the whole thing with me ... I couldnt talk couldnt move my left arm for anything my wife was my mouth piece for a 3months ,, it sux,,,.. Here i am today still fighting taking it one day at a time ,, my lil guy keeps me going , thank goodness for him .....