
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by julskovac

  1. Thank you all for the support. Debbie, we are definitely neighbors. Kettletown State Park is one of our favorite places to go and we've hiked there so many times. Ian would take photographs of the river that runs through the woods there. I'm definitely going to try to get us back down there if only for a short time.

  2. Sue,


    I'm still pretty much a newbie on this site but I've read many of your blogs and feel that I know you. You are such a very strong person and I pray that once Ray comes home things get better. I'm finally coming to my own realization that there are some things that we do because we have no other choice. Taking care of a sick loved one is one of those things. The battle is so difficult but hopefully the reward of knowing that the one you care for is somehow appreciating all that you do is what keeps us going. You are one of the people that has pointed this out to me.

    Thank you



  3. Wow, I'm a caregiver and was just venting in my own blog post about how my husband doesn't have motivation and initiative. Then I read your post. You have helped me so much to understand what my husband must be going through. Don't get discouraged! It's very hard for people that aren't going through this to understand how difficult it must be. Everyone is usually wrapped up in their own problems. I agree with Ethyl17 - refocus on yourself and your family. I wish you all the luck and thanks for setting me straight.

  4. What a wonderful thing animals are. My husband didn't really care too much about our two cats before he had his stroke. Now he seems to bond with them. Even though he still complains about our one cat constantly purring when she sleeps on our bed he reminds me if she isn't there so I have to go find her so she can go to sleep with us. It's so awesome that you found something that Bruce is interested in.

  5. Hi Julie (this could get confusing). I love Wii Fit and our in-home physical therapist has put my husband on the fit board to do balancing games. He's surprisingly good at it. I think you should get it even if it's for yourself. I love the yoga workout. I really hope your husband's hand gets better and the best of luck to you.


    The other Julie :)