
Stroke Caregiver - male
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About sellis

  • Birthday 04/07/1957

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
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  1. Happy Anniversary sellis!

  2. Happy Anniversary sellis!

  3. Thanks for the welcome. It has been hard to make it to any support meetings since I work full time and we also have a disabled daughter.

    This is so great to have someone to chat with that understands what you're going through.

  4. I just joined and I am the wife of a stroke survivor. He had his first stroke in 2002 and suffered another minor stroke and broken hip last year. He sufferes from depression and grumpyoldmanitus! Doesn't want to do his excercises or talk to anyone in our family. Just wants to sit and watch t.v. and yell at us if we interrupt his program. It has been a hard eight years but God has kept u...

  5. That is awesome that you tried constraint therapy. My husband refused to try it. He was equally stubborn and unwilling to do any of his excercises. I'm glad you are willing to do whatever you can and try your best. All I can do is pray for my husband. He is so stubborn and the more I try to encourage him the harder he fights against me. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to hear how you are doing.
  6. I'm so happy for you! Keep your positive attitude and remember that we cannot see the big picture! God has a plan for you, you just can't see it all yet!
  7. Welcome to the forums sellis :)