
Stroke Survivor - female
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About lsk5736

  • Birthday July 18

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  1. Happy Anniversary lsk5736!

  2. Happy Anniversary lsk5736!

  3. Pain Relief...from a spinal cord stimulator...It works

    1. smallory


      Off-line again, ugh! Need a new router, coming Monday.

  4. Happy Birthday lsk5736!

  5. Hi,

    As soon as you are able it helps to become active. I learned that young stroke survivors brains have the potential for remarkable recovery. I had a major ischemic stroke that affected my right side. As soon as I could I returned to being active. I'm back to teaching a weight lifting group fitness class. I'm getting stronger every day. Hang in there, it can be done!

  6. Happy Birthday lsk5736!

  7. Hi: I'm sorry you're in pain; hopefully the docs will find something that works for you. It's important to start therapy as soon as you feel up to it. We have to accept the challenge of living with stroke deficits, and not look back but forge ahead! I'm rooting for you! Your friend, Henry

  8. lsk5736


    Plantation Florida, Broward county
  9. Welcome to the forums lsk5736 :)