
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by catman

  1. Happy Anniversary catman!

  2. Happy Anniversary catman!

  3. Hi Katrina,

    I ran across your profile and our deficits sound similar. I had a hemorhage deep inside my right side of brain and paralized left side. Know what you mean about arm getting in the way. I am trying to get better at the walking but had to get a custom afo. Hope you are doing well .I havent been able to get in chatrooms lately due to tech problem with site

    1. CagedBird


      Hi I am just now seeing that you left me this comment. It is nice to meet you. Have you had any luck with getting your left hand back?

    2. catman


      Hi Katrina, no movement in my arm hand yet.The night of the hemorrhage the CT scan showed a pocket of blood the size of a baseball,so it was pretty bad and left me with many problems. Wondered if you have left side neglect also . Hope you are doing well- David

  4. Hi Katrina,

    I ran across your profile and our deficits sound similar. I had a hemorhage deep inside my right side of brain and paralized left side. Know what you mean about arm getting in the way. I am trying to get better at the walking but had to get a custom afo. Hope you are doing well .I havent been able to get in chatrooms lately due to tech problem with site

  5. hello, I havent seen you in chat rooms lately just wondered how you and your daughter are doing, I am still having problems learing to walk myself


  6. hello, I havent seen you in chat rooms lately just wondered how you and your daughter are doing, I am still having problems learing to walk myself


  7. HI mama 38,

    I was chatting with u earlier,sorry to hear about yor daughter I had stroke about same time as her check ot my profile it has my regular email if you would like, hope your daughter is doing betterand we can chat again I am on here about every night-catman

  8. HI mama 38,

    I was chatting with u earlier,sorry to hear about yor daughter I had stroke about same time as her check ot my profile it has my regular email if you would like, hope your daughter is doing betterand we can chat again I am on here about every night-catman

  9. Hello Henry it was good chatting with you- David

  10. Hello Henry it was good chatting with you- David

  11. Happy Birthday Nells

  12. Happy Birthday Nells

  13. With Gods helpI will beat this