
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by DaveO

  1. The brain is truly amazing. Before my stroke I had no idea that the brain can repair itself. Now I have a first-hand account of howamazing the brain really is. I amfortunate because I remember most of the day of my stroke. I remember waking up paralyzed and withoutspeech. I remember being carried downthe steps and out my front door and placed into the ambulance. I remember the ride to the hospital andgetting unloaded and being wheeled down the hospital hallway. That is the last thing I remember beforewaking up after my surgery a few hours later.


    After I woke up I was taken to my room in the ICU. The nurse asked me a series ofquestions. The first question was “whatis your name?” To which I responded:Dave Ohio (no my last name is not Ohio). Then she asked me if I knew where I was. I did not have a clue at the time. She asked me if I knew what happened to me. I did not know what happened to me. Then she asked me if I knew what year itwas. I knew the right answer was 2011 butI said 1996. I broke out inlaughter. I know I have a strange senseof humor but I just couldn’t stop laughing. Why did I say 1996? This went onfor 2 more days. I’d answer a questionwrong and then laugh. By day 3 I wasanswering questions correctly. I’mguessing in those first few days my brain was busy repairing itself.


    I know that I’m very fortunate to be able to measure myprogress by days rather than years. Please be patient with your brain, it is truly amazing.



  2. Just curious, what type of stroke did you have?


    I had a AVM and my doctors told me the same thing, that I should be in a wheelchair.


    I think that everyone's recovery must be different.


    I just count my blessings and continue to work hard towards a full recovery.


    Wishful thinking


    Positive attitude


    Good Luck and keep working at it.


    I had an ischemic stroke. It was caused by blunt force trauma (I took a baseball to the neck). I agree that everyone's recovery is different.


    I've always had a positive attitude. Keep working at it and never, never, never give up! Good Luck!