
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About jimswife

  • Birthday 02/25/1972

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  1. Happy Anniversary jimswife!

  2. Happy Anniversary jimswife!

  3. Happy Birthday jimswife!

  4. ugh, how many more days have to be like this? jim stayed up late last night-said he could not sleep-so then he slept in til 10 am. we had stuff to do today and then off to my dad's for dinner. he got up and ran to meijers. came home and finally got off his butt and worked on the dryer. while at dad's he seemed to enjoy teasing me, picking on me and interupting me. i swear everytime i went to say something, he just had to cut me off. why does he do this? how much more of this can i take? now he is in the living room watching tv, i am in our room watching tv and on the computer. neither one of us is talking. i hate this. he is so not the same man that i married and fell in love with.
  5. Welcome to the forums jimswife :)