
Stroke Survivor - female
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Status Updates posted by LoriJean

  1. Happy Anniversary LoriJean!

  2. Happy Anniversary LoriJean!

  3. Happy Anniversary LoriJean!

  4. Yes I have a Pomeranian. Most say they are a one owner pet but mine he loves everyone! I have had him a couple years and he has been so faithful especially through everything lately. He doesn't leave my side anymore, follows me from room to room and if I go with the husband to the store he has to go with haha. They are great pets :)

  5. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! I ended up going out to my mothers so I didn't have to try to cook! Thank goodness! It was also my daughters 19th birthday so it was a good day :)

  6. Hi again! I hope you are doing well. I haven't been on here in awhile, have had some sluggish days and been really tired. Guess that can happen :(

  7. I am of course on facebook, just look me up!! More picture on there of blah me hehe

  8. I didnt see you online...How are you today? I hope you are doing good! Today is busy busy for my I'm spose to use the stove and I'm so scared of that thing...making tater tot hot dish. Yummy but I am neglecting it haha