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Blog Comments posted by BluesMa

  1. Heh. I need a brace from the waist down. The whole stretch is unstable, but shoes are not good for walking. As you mentioned, sneekers "stick" and cause those scary, sudden stops that can send us on a quick trip to the floor. Barefoot feels best for me. Even socks can be a challenge, but then I don't walk more than a hundred feet in a day, and then only while clinging tightly to the walker. So shoes aren't an issue. I've wondered if a AFO would make me a bit more stable, but kinda doubt it.



  2. Nancy,

    You simply can't get in his skin, or know what's going on in his head at this point.

    Those of us who woke to find that our lives would never be the same can often understand how easy it is to lose hope and feel that giving up would be so much easier. Please don't ever look on this as a failure of any sort on your part.

    There is nothing even the most devoted care giver can do until the survivor is ready to accept what has happened and imagine a future life.

    Know that you have the most powerful good wishes coming from this gang.



  3. Hello Maxine

    I live between a walker with a tray, seat and sack, and a power chair. Use one of those 'grabber' things to reach without leaning dangerously far.

    Since my left hand goes between unreliable and useless, I've had to get used to a one handed existence, so cane walking is right out for me. My chairs are truly powerful, so they can help me move furniture when cleaning. I frequently push all manner of things that I could otherwise not move.

    We all devise workarounds to cope with our limitations.

    It pays to celebrate every little victory in our survival story.

