
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About HollyGoLightly

  • Birthday 12/10/1966

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  1. Happy Anniversary HollyGoLightly!

  2. Happy Anniversary HollyGoLightly!

  3. Happy Anniversary HollyGoLightly!

  4. Happy Birthday HollyGoLightly!

  5. many prayers coming your way. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!!!!
  6. and a present that will keep on giving!
  7. Sounds like a plan...good luck and remember to stay in the moment and focus on the good...even when you really have to search for it!
  8. HollyGoLightly


    How cute is that....and mind you that most presents are like this....we spend tons of $ and the box is more fun and creative LoL
  9. Dyan, I totally gree with Debbie that Cayden needs to learn how to "wait"....but I can tell you as a parent that I would figure out some way to give Cayden Pop the Pig early. Such a funny name for a game and so appropiate for what you are going through LoL But I think your sanity comes first, I wouldn't be able to take it anymore and my stress level is already over the top, I would be the one ready to pop like a pig and ruining every day up until Christmas my being grouchy and cranky because of his behavior--and this would make his behavior even worse. So I would make up something special like an elf dropping off an early present because "he" heard how much it meant to Cayden...and maybe the Elf could suggest the giving of dollar store presents for the kids who have so little. I also love Santa Mouse and maybe he could come early? Or if you can survive isn't the first day of Hanuka on the 20? Can you make it 4 more days LoL... And by the way, I totally get Cayden and know what it is like to REALLY want somthing, it won't be any more special on THE day than it would be surprising him early....everyone will be happier and you can all play the game daily....WHAT fun you will have. And someone also pointed out that emotionally he is younger than his given age, RELAX and enjoy the holiday! Just my two cents worth and I think my kiddos are pretty great! I had A present I couldn't wait to give early so I wrapped it up last week and put it under my son's pillow from the tooth fairy, don't ask b/c it is a long story but funny so I will have to blog about it one day...but he loved it and was able to enjoy it without all the craziness of Christmas. Happy Hoidays, Holly
  10. Wow ... You have accomplished a lot nd sounds like a perfect Christas to ourselves! Enjoy an relax, -Holly
  11. Sounds like a good day in all! Dancing is good. Isn't it funny how we spend so much energy worrying about all the what ifs and unknowns only to find out that it all works out in the end!
  12. Julie, have a wonderful holiday and just try to be in the moment and enjoy the enjoyable times. And Debbie is right, our homes are a place of warmth and in a way I am looking forward to the child part of Christmas and I know everyone is looking forward to coming over...I just have to figure out how to integrate my mom into th picture. It sounds as if you already have everything figured out!
  13. My mom actually got teary eyed when I told her the story. She was all wrapped up in the quilt I made her. It is partially made from a silk robe she wore when pregnant with Charlotte, and a whole other story. But thank you so much Ruth, have a beautiful night.
  14. The balloons were awesome! And yes, one day at a time....reminds me of the Dr. suess book, Oh the Places You Will Go...some roads you will not wish to go down, being caught up in a lurch but when things go well you'll soar to high heights and be the best of the best except when you don't because sometimes you won't...and hang ups and bang ups can happen to you! But On we will go?..life is a great balancing act...you will succeed 98 & 3/4% guaranteed.