
Stroke Survivor - male
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About grim

  • Birthday 06/20/1977

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
  • Stroke Anniversary (third stroke)
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    Word of Mouth

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  1. Happy Anniversary grim!

  2. Happy Anniversary grim!

  3. Happy Anniversary grim!

  4. Happy Birthday grim!

  5. I'm a young stroke survivor from WI too so I just wanted to say hi. Let me know if you want to chat sometime

  6. Hi Grim~ I'm a newbie (caregiver) here and have read a few of your posts, specifically your post about disappearing family/friends. Over the past year since my husband's stroke, we have found the same thing. Everyone just goes on with their lives... if not for my parents, we would have no support at all. I hope you are doing well and wanted to say Hi~

  7. Happy Birthday grim!

  8. grim

    IMG 0553

    hey i got one of those! well i did but it broke 'but' they are sending me a brand new one at no cost.
  9. i feel the same way left in the cold by my family. the stroke cost me everything i had financially, my body and mind and more. yet they think a couple cards is somehow going to help. im not going to christmas, does anyone in my family care? no instead my dad is calling a few mutual friends we had to state their case, their busy etc, etc yet i see them on facebook talking about the relaxing weekend they had etc. couldnt even come visit me, anything to help, my poor wife 2 hours of sleep a day, taking care of me and working full time. cant get any assistance as our governor in wisconsin froze assistance, told to rely on family, families big help is about $200 in gift cards and food, no real support my wife and son left to suffer, doing all they can so we can live. im probally going to end up in a nursing home, as my 'family' is busy putting in custom bars, buying big screen tvs etc and bragging about it on facebook so yeah, youre not alone
  10. Hi Travis,

    It was fun to chat with you tonight.

  11. Hi Travis,

    It was fun to chat with you tonight.

  12. Welcome to the forums grim :)