
Stroke Survivor - female
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About Jbell

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  1. Happy Anniversary Jbell!

  2. Happy Anniversary Jbell!

  3. Ruth & Debbie, I am now overwhelmed with thanking everyone for their helpful suggestions. Thank you both for yours. It's only been since yesterday that I joined Stroke Network, so I am taking all suggestions seriously and will check into help from my utility companies, etc. To address your responses: I will apply for food stamps. Here in Florida, when I am home alone during the day, I keep the electricity off, but there are limits to how much I can conserve for now. You have put into my head the idea of asking even the satellite company to cut expenses. Gas prices are ridiculous. The grocery store that gives points for gas is more expensive than the store that doesn't. I already refinanced my mortgage. What other programs are there? My rate is pretty low. We have a Starbucks near here. Also, outlet malls. It's just the uncertainty that scares me. My expenses were analyzed and there is not too much I can cut down on. I do not own a cell phone; my daughter's is one of those prepaid at minimal cost. However, I'll try to get creative--I am a "survivor."
  4. Source: Scared--Severe Financial Worries--Need Advice