
Stroke Survivor - male
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About mikem

  • Birthday 08/05/1960

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  • Stroke Network Email

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    Boating, Fishing, motorcycles, upholstery
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  1. I me and john live togatger. We are the only family we have. John is verry confused in the hospital and wants me to come get him when he get confused at night. I dont know yet what the furure holds but i will continue to yake care of him when he come home. I feel so helpless now when i cant go sit with him. He was calling me at night on facetime as f i was in the room all night bit the nurses moved his phone last night. He may come home with me today but its hard for mento get good info
  2. As some of tou may remeber i suffered a stroke oct 2010 then dec 2014 my older brother had a stroke and heart bypass weveived together after my mom died my dad was paralized and we took care of him then in 09 he died borh parents deathert were a fast shock. This past week my brother got a low blood cell report and instrucked to go to rhe ER. And he had a cold but rhey being safe tested him for covid and put him in a covid wars and told me to not enrer and leave. After waiting 5 days to get a negative report they did a bone marrow test for the low blood platylets Turns out he has Acute myeloid leukemia. And agressive treatment dosent work wirh heart disease Just when i though we could enjoy our older age and go fishing im verry afraid of being alone
  3. Hi chris i see this is a old post. It i dont get here much being so busy but i can feel for you. 10 years ago i had a ischemic stroke in thw middle of the night it Effected my ballance bad at first and my speech. Ballance is better but im older now so that sucks. My speech is better but still bad like ordering a “pupu playter” is near imposible. I was divorced and moved to florida with my older brother and live together. Then 5 years ago now he had a stroke that paralized his right side and was in rehab were id did come back some but not great. But he was doing good we boated together he ever was riding seadoos but as time went on he stamina for walking went down so he sends me in everywhere he needs me to get bis pills out and refused to do it himself he takes about 10 differnet pills i have to cook and he isualy says it sux and dosent say what hed like i clean up after him and rhe house and usualy it lisses him if im doing it around him we bave two dogs i care for and if i fo out to work in rhe yard or take rhe trash to the road the dogs will bark wantj g out with me and my brother *beep* and i hear about rhat. so your not alone ive seen it from both side As im just a caregiver. Unapreciated jjust exspected after my stroke my adult son cane down here to help. But decided he really didst want to help he nust was looking for what he could get and not has nothing to so with me and bavnt seen bim in going on 10 years. So it could be worse hang in there.
  4. Happy Birthday mikem!

  5. Happy Anniversary mikem!

  6. Happy Birthday mikem!

    1. Pearls


      OMG  Did you say ladders???  I can do stairs if there is a railing, but ladders no way no how!!  I can't do handicapped ramps, too much tilt throws me off.

  7. Happy Birthday mikem!

  8. mikem

    1991 Alfa 1

    nice nothing like cuising with the top down on a sumer eve heres my ride nice
  9. hope you feel better soon fred
  10. mikem


    cookie are you a survivor?im niot aware of anything arounne here im in charlotte county
  11. too bad for the X im trying to loose at least 60 how did you do it ? you should post a after
  12. Happy Birthday mikem!

  13. mikem

    Our Yard in Full Bloom

    you gardens are awesome! looks like florida with the palms