
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by evilk

  1. I smell many things. Food occasionally, but perfume the most. Light flowery fragrances that nobody I know (alive) wears.


    Migraines, sometimes the head pounders, but mostly the localized pains in the skull.



    The zigzag lights that start in the left of my vision and slowly move right until the expand across my vision.

  2. Kelli,

    I have experienced brain injuries. In the past year I have fallen and struck my head on the floor or door frames several times.

    now I'm trying to cope with the loss of my latest job and no potential positions on the horizon.


  3. My diabetes has been diagnosed as Type 1 now. Insulin 5 times per day. Still fall down occasionally.

    And I've been excessed 3 times in the past year. I get hire and last about 90 days, then get the boot.

    This last employer held discussions with me about my disability and sent me to EAP, which will last until my insurance runs out at the end of the month.

    And I had a pituitary tumor "excised" last year. I think that has come back.


    Praying every day but I keep sinking in the septic tank.

  4. My biggest issue is losing my balance. Usually when thinking of other things. I have issues getting up, so falling is a traumatic experience. In the past year I've fallen in the kitchen and have a scar from it, fallen in the living room where it took a half hour to get back to my feet, and falling in the laundry room as I brought groceries in (face planted into the door frame and lost my glasses, they're still missing). My knees are horribly destroyed, and I think my arthritis isn't doing well. But I'm still living on my own. 

  5. Wow, what a happenstance find the diabetes comments are. You can see my stroke was almost 12 years ago. I've been diagnosed with diabetes off and on for several years. Last weekend (2024/02/04) I was in the ER for issues (weakness, dizziness, etm.). Their diagnosis was (edit) Type 1 diabetes. So anyway, in the course of the week I haven't been able to stabilize my blood sugar. My doctor suggested that I'm a Type 1 diabetic and prescribed insulin at 8 units twice a day: "Recommend increase but 15-20% every 2-3 days until 2 hour post meal is <180 and morning fasting is <130 without lows <70". My lowest blood sugar this week has been 363, the highest has been Over-range on the monitor (in excess of 600).


    In April of 2023 I was operated on for a pituitary tumor. Due to changes in employment I haven't been able to verify the results of that surgery.


    So anyway, in the course of the week I haven't been able to stabilize my blood sugar. My doctor suggested that I'm a Type 1 diabetic and prescribed insulin at 8 units twice a day: "Recommend increase but 15-20% every 2-3 days until 2 hour post meal is <180 and morning fasting is <130 without lows <70". My lowest blood sugar this week has been 363, the highest has been Over-range on the monitor (in excess of 600).


    With all of the above, I have dizzy spells and have fallen several times. Fortunately my laminate floor is on a sub-floor, so I haven't sustained a concussion.

    I've been doing a lot of reading as I proofread for about 14 authors.

  6. With my 12th anniversary coming on Wednesday I've held 9 positions with different companies, been thrown out of 3 of them, I've gone 7 months unemployed, and have accepted a new position starting April 1st (Uh-oh). And I bought a house in Florida, I've been diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes and had brain surgery.

  7. I've been having a problem (screaming) with calf and leg cramps in the morning, exaggerated by arthritis. My regimen that seems to have worked well is that I keep a pump bottle of BioFreeze (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002J9HBY8/?coliid=I1KUIPWIF1VXU4&colid=8EUZCHDJOGKS&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) by my bed and when I wake with cramps I lather up with it. Over the past couple weeks my mobility has increased and cramps don't don't seem to be as often