
Stroke Survivor - female
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About Pamwill

  • Birthday 10/07/1967

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  1. Happy Anniversary Pamwill!

  2. Happy Anniversary Pamwill!

  3. Happy Birthday Pamwill!

  4. Yep my sentiments exactly. I also believe in troubles may come in the night but joy comes in the morning and you get that joy from believing it will come.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear that and we all had those same feelings when we reached those milestones. I just passed my 1 year anniversary, I was so anxious and just ready for that day to pass. And it did, and you have to. Just keep your head up and the next milestone will be a breeze. Pam
  6. Katrina, I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble being happy and believe me I can relate all to well. But I have come to realize that happiness is a a state of mind and has nothing to do with your circumstances. Because if you base your happiness on your circumstances then you will be on an emotional roller coaster forever. I follow some of Asha's methods by listening to lots of motivational books, music, and people. And going to church really keeps me grounded. The church I attend really stirs and feeds my spirit. Also, I realized that Xanax was making me feel worse so I switched to Paxil and now I'm pretty much drug free, only take it when absolutely necessary. Also I start my day with prayer and conversation with God so that I have peace in my heart and mind as I go through the day. When I start to feel the slightest negativity I replace it immediately with something positive to keep the negativity from setting in. I know it sounds like a lot to do on a regular with all that's going on in our lives but now it's a habit and I'm more happier now than I have ever been in a very long time stroke and all. I had my last neurologist visit the other day and they can't find the cause of my stroke. So my choices are to go on living my life without fear of having another stroke or worry myself to death about finding out why which might cause a stroke in and of itself. And I chose to move on and live my life cause more than likely it will be something else to deal with anyway. I certainly hope the stroke didn't take away your ability to feel happy. And I'm going to believe that it didn't. Just like with everything else you've been through its a process that you need to work on getting back and it will take a lot of work and time but you can do it. Just like all other battles you've conquered I'm sure you will beat this negativity and find happiness again. You are an amazing and beautiful young woman. And God didn't bring you this far to leave you, he might be quite and that just means he's working on some things. And he has proven to you that you can do all things thru Christ that strengthens you. May you have peace and many blessings. Pam
  7. Pamwill

    Fed Up

    My sentiments exactly. I have a short fuse too these days and can't handle a lot. I have one coworker who comes at me with petty stuff and tries to help in her own way but she doesn't understand where I'm coming from so I end up blowing up at her only to apologize later. Not for what I said but how I said it. So after everything you've been through its time to keep it real and not hold back, just work on your delivery but still get your point across.
  8. Wow Jamie that's a lot to deal with in such a short period of time. But you are one tough cookie and I really admire how you deal with it all. Just another hurdle to jump over but I'm sure you will beat this MRSA issue with flying colors. Pam
  9. Ruth, Sorry to hear that work is stressful and not working out but just look at as one bad day as long as every day is not like that. And your boss isn't very much help either. Since you told him what's going on it was his job to step in and help resolve the situation. Deciding to quit your job is a tough decision so give it some real thought before you jump ship. Just change your attitude and not let it get to you cause it's just a job and its not your life. Just do what you can and everything will work out. I know we all want the easy way out but it's never good to be hasty with decisions like this. When it's time for you to go you should feel at peace with your decision. Pam
  10. I’m sorry your recovery is a rocky road but it will smooth out soon. And just remember that you need to have just as much faith in God as he has in you so you can trust that he will do his part. I will keep you in prayer, so continue to stay strong and positive and soon you will see that you will have the victory and overcome this road block. Pam
  11. Well I went to the Neurologist today and was released from his care. They were not able to find a cause for my stroke after checking the common causes for my age group such as a hole in the heart, dissection, and a blood cotting disorder. In his experience he found that one of two things happen, people generally live stroke free healthy productive lives or they stroke again and don't go back to see him cause they figure he was wrong and don't know what he's talking about. However, he does keep a file for those unknown 30% for future updates in case research shows otherwise, then he'll give me a call. So out with the old and in with the new. And so I'm moving on with a new attitude, look, place, and it would be nice to package it all together with a new man. Lol We'll see how that goes but I'm sitting around waiting on it that's for sure. But I suppose it would have been nice to know so that I'm not always wondering if will happen again and be worse. When in actuallity it could have been worse the first time and I not be here so I just need to get rid of that thinking and be thankful that I'm still here to tell my story and encourage others. This experience has taught me two important lessons, one I'm not in complete control of my destiny and two it's not about me. This is God's plan and will for my life, I'm just a vessel used for his mission, and all the credit, glory, and praise goes to him. In a weird way, and I mean weird. I'm kinda glad it happened. I truly am a better person because of It. I really enjoy helping other people, I'm happier and I try each and every day to put a smile on someone's face to brighten up their day because life is too short not to. Pam
  12. Happy Birthday Pamwill!

    1. Pamwill


      Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  13. Pamwill

    Driving after stroke

    That’s great news. At least I know there’s still hope.
  14. Pamwill

    "that dream"

    Please excuse my spelling I meant to amazing caregiver. And keep those dreams alive. !!!
  15. Pamwill

    "that dream"

    You’re more than good for something, you’re an amazing wife and careful and I’m sure Dan is blessed to have you. And yes I know what it’s like to reminisce about the past I do it all the time myself but I also day dream about the future and it’s amazing sometimes they are almost in sync with each other. Kinda weird I know right, but maybe it’s God’s way of showing me that there is more to come in my life and I just need to keep believing and putting my trust in him. Pam