
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About catbeleu

  • Birthday December 22

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
  • Interests
    Watching movies and playing with my dog Max
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  1. Well it's that time of year when everyone is running around trying to buy out the stores and cook all the food in one day! LOL! Me I'm just plain lazy to all this. I bought my 3 Grandbabies Christmas presents online and never once went to the store to try to shop. Prayers that everyone will have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!! Praying for all my wonderful friends on this site and all of you I haven't had the chance to meet yet but hope to one day. Love and Hugs to all!!!
  2. catbeleu

    I'm Back!

    Hey Sue and Achandra! Sure is good to talk to you ladies again! It makes me feel better just to have a place to talk to people that understand it all! Didn't get on here till late tonight so won't be doing much except checking in!
  3. catbeleu

    I'm Back!

    Thanks Linnie, I appreciate that!
  4. catbeleu

    I'm Back!

    Hello everybody! It has been quite a while since I have been on. Guess I just haven't felt like sharing or caring here lately and for that I am sorry. I have been battling a lot of pain and depression for the past year or so and just haven't wanted to burden anybody with all my gloom since I know a lot of us on here deal with that on a daily basis anyway. Mike is doing ok and has just here lately started back to therapy on his arm and hand. I think he finally go a good OT this time and may stick with it a little longer. Hope all of you are doing well and for all my old friends on here give me a shout and let me know how things are going with you guys! Hugs and Kisses to all!
  5. Happy Anniversary catbeleu!

  6. Happy Birthday catbeleu!

  7. catbeleu

    Bah Humbug!!!

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. Pam, my daughter and I did talk and decided that on her first anniversary we are going to do it all over again and this time I will make sure Mike stays safe, LOL! As far as the extra rehab Asha, they did put him in a rehab facility for a week and he refused the help due to all the pain and not being able to use his left arm at all because it is broken in two places so we are planning on getting some once the cast is off and he is healed from the broken arm and ribs and yes who knows maybe he will be better than he was. Right now he doesn't have the spastisity issue in his arm he had before the accident so that is a good thing. Debbie, he has never been one to celebrate the holidays, don't know why but it's just the way he is so I will be kind of glad when it is all over and that stress of shopping and cooking is off me. I know I sound like a scrouge but that is just the way it feels right now. Last year I was so sad from my Mom and Dad's death and dealing with the first Christmas without them I didn't put up a tree, but this year I am going to do that if it kills me! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and I am once again thankful to have this site for a refuge for my vents. Love you all and God bless each one of you!
  8. As I sit here and look out the window at the changing season I realize that happiness seems to elude my life. What started out as a great outlook on the new year seems to have once again became a life of broken dreams and sadness. For the past few years I have had to deal with Mikes stroke,, the death of my brother, neice, mother, father and sister in law. Those being the hardest things to overcome in my life. Finally I thought, "This is going to be a year of celebration and normalcie", yeah right! We decided that it was time to start enjoying the things we loved and adapt Mikes motorcycle to a 3 wheeler so that he would be able to ride once again and I purchased a bike for myself, took riding classes to become safe and we were all set! Well as life would have it, that did not come to pass. On the 8th of October my daughter was getting married and we were all set for a beautiful and joyus day. Not so fast, life says once again, Mike wrecks his trike on the way to the wedding! Not only did he end up in the trauma ICU for a month, we missed the biggest day of our daughters life! What have we done so wrong that this life seems to be unwilling to let us just enjoy the time we have left? What do we have to do to change this bad luck streak that we seem to be having? He had worked so hard to regain some of what he had lost due to the stroke, now its almost back to square one. Oh did I mention the wreck cause a small brain bleed which set him back about 75% from where he had come due to stroke? Well guess life just sucks and then you die!
  9. Happy Anniversary catbeleu!

  10. catbeleu

    it just never ends

    Nancy, sorry you are once again having troubles. Hope it was just a 24 hour bug and not shingles. Will be praying for you both!
  11. Glad you are better and can now get on with life. Praying for you still and keep us up to date on your progress! Better times are ahead.
  12. Nancy, My heart hurts for you. I know this is hard but we must do what is best for all parties involved in this situation. Mike and I have talked extensively about this and we have decided that if there ever comes a time that we cannot care for each other that a nursing home would be the best decision. I know it is not easy but just know that you are doing what needs to be done to ensure quality of life for both of you! I know he wants to come home but he also knows deep down inside that he can't right now. I pray for you and Dan that you will find peace in the decision and for his continued progress. Love and ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))).
  13. Steve, is that what my cat is wanting when she does that?!!!! I have always wanted to know what that means!!! Thanks for the list. I loved it! I will have to start working on mine now although I don't think there are 100 things I can tell about myself. I will get as close as possible though.
  14. catbeleu

    Just venting

    Thanks Sandy and Sue. I guess I just let my emotions get the best of me sometimes. I just hate this! I know Mike hates it even more so I have to be cautious with how I let my mood swing in front of him. It did do me good to blog on here, guess I should do it more often. As far as chat it's not really at a convenient time for me so that's why I don't join in more often. I did enjoy it when I had a chance to join! Maybe I will try to figure out a way to get on more often. You guys always make me feel better and I am so thankful I found you! Prayers and hugs to you both! Hope you have a great memorial day weekend!