
Stroke Survivor - female
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About g4gayle

  • Birthday 01/15/1966

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  • Stroke Anniversary (second stroke)
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    North Island

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  1. Happy Anniversary g4gayle!

  2. Happy Birthday g4gayle!

  3. Happy Anniversary g4gayle!

  4. Happy Birthday g4gayle!

  5. Happy Anniversary g4gayle!

  6. Thank you for your kind words, This stroke business is hard to navigate at times as everyone knows, Our flag will change, but just what it will be who knows, I like the peace corps symbol of a simple kiwi on a white back ground as is recognised all over the world already, Is a once in a lifetime decision, and will be great if we get it right, Feel free to chime in if anyone has any ideas, Gayle
  7. I'm back, Went through a really rough patch of seizures, but feel they are now under control and will wave my wee little NZ flag once more, although we are looking at changing our flag, but are still undecided, I think we are tired of getting mistaken for Aussies or so the Prime minister thinks! Any ideals of separating us from your flag, Hopefully some Aussies will chime in and make a comment, LOL Gayle
  8. We just did ours on the 11th hour, 11th day of the 11th month of world war 1 ending, we almost lost a hole generation of men from my country, being as small as it was, My country is what it is because of these men and the sacrifice's that they made. Gayle
  9. rock on!! My head banging, heavy metal days are way behind me, since my stroke, but still love the music, Gayle
  10. Stroke is a huge adjustment from you old life! and is really good that you have a supportive husband Hang in there, is does come right, All good things take time, Patience wasn't one of my virtues at the start, but am slowly learning! gayle
  11. g4gayle

    my update

    Hi asha, My daughter is now 12, and when I first had my stroke she rebelled, but now loves the freedom and responsibility and is very mature for her age and has instilled in her an acceptance of peoples differences, disabilities, but still kicks off! now and then, as she still has moments when she misses her old mum she used to have.
  12. Have missed you Fred, Good to see and you are back! My computer broke and found you missing when I got back on line, I'm not used to not seeing you on here!, Hope you get better soon
  13. Happy Birthday g4gayle!

  14. Happy Anniversary! How are you doing 3+ posr-stroke?

  15. Hi Sue, So good that you are still here on strokenet, Being Kiwi have spent many happy times in your country!! I was wondering just where in Aussie you were! My sister lives in Manly, Sydney for over 25 years now and sports the Aussie accent and is now declared Aussie in our family, She comes home about once a year for a visit. Before my stroke was a regular visitor over there and used to party hard in my teens and beyond in Kings Cross. Also a great fan of Jimmy Barnes , and used to catch his concerts over there too. I used to fly out from Auckland Friday night, PARTY and fly back Sunday night and roll in Monday morning for work no sleep, just a brill time!! I sat my dive ticket in Caines and did my first dive on the Great Barrier Reef off Cape Tribulation, and got hooked! I took 3 months off work, brought a car in Sydney and drove up the coast, Stopped in at the croc farms and Rain forrest's on the way, But have to say it was a magical trip and the Aussie hospitality was amazing. I've never done the usual tourist trip and met some true Aussie people and found them easy going and laid back! The stroke took my dive trips away but have good memories and is now my "happy place" when I have to have my scans, lying in that machine is no place I want to spend any time. New Zealand has just started a on line support group for young stroke survivors, but I'm a little old now! Hows it go "Too old to die young, too young to die old!" I guess I'll just sit in the middle of the road! But was really neat to hear that someone is finally doing something! It is mainly targeted at the very young stroke survivors and their care givers, But I like it here as there is a wider range of people. It's nice that there's a Aussie on here as never seen any Kiwi's here yet! and you do a brilliant job and please stay involved and you are a very welcome face when I visit! Now that we are now into our winter, maybe more from down under will find strokenet! and join in! Gayle