
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About nursebrandy2010

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  1. Happy Anniversary nursebrandy2010!

  2. Happy Anniversary nursebrandy2010!

  3. The picture posted is from our first vacation ever! It was wonderful..but as usual I worried about if I was good enough, pretty enough for him. I don't think that ever was a concern for him. just something I worried about with everyone I ever dated. But he was...IS wonderful.There's no other explanantion for it. I guess thats' why I am so frustrated that he even had to have this stroke:( And now the movement disorder:( which is making him not eat..get depressed and self conscious..not wanting to go in public... WHY in the world would this happen to this strong...GOOD man? We went to a neuro optometrist today bc he cannot read things due to his vision and they said they cant try glasses rt now bc his head is shaking so much. GRR! I just wanted to run really fast(not away just you know for the stress release) I am so frustrated bc it isn't like this man (my husband) lived an unhealthy life...he ate salads with almost every meal..was always helping others..always following through on promises...the kindest person I know and he has had rto struggle over and over again..I cried(underneath my sunglasses...) on the way home much does he have to suffer? I want him to have a good life and not stress and there's so much out of my hands I want to scream WHY?WHY HIM? Then the humble christian woman in me is setting here now thinks..this too shall pass ...and God heals those who have faith in him..I will remain strong in my faith and let it shine onto him.One day tehre will be seasons of blessings because we are steadfast and believe in healing hands of GOD.He has always came through for everything else. Patience is not my strong suit.. Have a good day everyone.
  4. nursebrandy2010

    WOW sounds like you have had a trying day..handled it well too. I know as christians we are"tried" more so than others sometimes...Somedays it seems never ending.. then we have the days where it all makes sense. The UTI could have caused the seizure(infections can bring those on to those who are at a higher risk of seizures). I know sometimes I just wish I didn't need help with Heriberto and mydaughters..I feel guilty when I have to put things off with them..a pride thing maybe that I have to work on:) Thank GOD for the awesome neighbors I have..but I have some pretty crappy ones too. I guess the good thing is we're not home yet.. and one day we will have a place of pure peace:) I cannot wait!! Here's to better days ahead<3
  5. On July 9th 2010, I met the love of my life in person. You know, I have been through so much in life. Most of the time it had to do with the male "relationship"in my life, whether it be my father or my relationships boyfriend/husband. I've been abused in every way imaginable in my past relationships. But what I have always done is pick myself back up and move on. I had this crazy idea the week before to post an ad on craigslist to meet new people.Just getting out of a divorce after almost 10 long years of marriage, I was lonely and my guard was up high. It wasn't really something I thought was going to bring me "everlasting happiness" ..and then there he was...unconventional from the type of guy that I would usually be attracted to but different was what I craved. SO there he sat and as I walked in to the CROWDED restaraunt...he stood up when he saw me,...we exchanged pics when we had spoken throughout the previous week. His smile lit up the room..I couldn't believe that thus beautiful man had wanted a chance with ME:) He hugged me and we talked at that restaurant for four hours.Granted some of it was because I had to ask him to repeat himself over and over because his accent(He's originally from Dominican Republic)....but that accent got easier to understand and I grew to love it and love him unlike any other. He is the most kind, honest man I have ever known. He taught me to trust again. Selflessness..he taught me that too. My daughters and myself moved in with him.. I kept waiting for him to ask me to marry. and he never did...but I was happy and he loved me..I felt so blessed. On August 29,2012 our world turned upside down. I keep going back to that morning when things just didn't seem right with him. I had texted him asking if he was ok and told him I appreciated all he did with my daughters. He said"I'm ok amor, just tired" But when I got the call at work that noone had shown up to get the girls from school. I panicked..I drove home..apparently very fast...I cut 35 min off my hr and a half drive .. he was there ..on the floor vomit everywhere..non responsive. After freaking out a second (throwing my sunglasses on the floor) I did the thing I was taught in nursing school..airways..check (not great but he was could hear the fluid bubbling with each breath) and circulation..he had a pulse but didnt respond to any stimuli.I called 911, and they were there within 5 minutes but it seemed like forever. I got a neighbor to help me turn him on his side because I was unable to on my own. After hours of attempts and asking me if he did drugs ..he was in ICU with a ventriculostomy and intubated. They said he had a brainstem hemorrhage and clot with swelling and had aspirated his vomit so he had pneumonia. his chances of living were less than7%. I refused to believe that this was happening. We called his family which were all out of state. I called mymom andstep dad and they spent it with me until 2am. I spent the rest of the night crying and I kept hearing a voice in my head.."Oh ye of little faith". He had several infections and problems with his vitals. He remained unresponsive. He was in ICU a total of a month and about a week. Today:) He has had to learn to set up move his right speak to eat. He has developed a movement disorder which has set his swallowing and speech back a lot but we still have faith..Faith can and has moved mountains for our little family and will continue to do so! He is alert oriented and you can still see his personality ..positive, hopeful, hardworking shining through. His first day home was january 16 2013 and I'll be has been trying for us all! I am greatful for God allowing him to continue our lives together and healing him so far but pray for more so he can do the things he wants out of life..that and i miss his voice and conversation. It's weird to feel lonely when your love is right here. we reamain steadfast and reminded that God heals those who believe! We had a tiny ceremony and got married (pic) June 22 2013. We plan on our dream wedding in Miami in Sept. Don't ever give up. Don't ever lose faith. God is great! Today has been hard I got frustrated because he's wanted to eat less and less:(.. and here I am. Seriously thinking of writing a book..starting a non profit foundation in his name to help people recover from home.. you know since I don't have a lot to do these days..haha<3
  6. Wow..I didn't know we could update statuses...we got married yesterday! It was awesome and he was the sweetest ever(as he always has been) but he had trouble eating bc of this stupid movement disorder:/ I pray for relief for him:( so frustrating!

  7. That's how Heriberto's movement started in his right side ..a twitch.. another..then a lil more and now it's weak but moves:) Estim is great!