
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by nursebrandy2010

  1. sounds like you have had a trying day..handled it well too. I know as christians we are"tried" more so than others sometimes...Somedays it seems never ending.. then we have the days where it all makes sense. The UTI could have caused the seizure(infections can bring those on to those who are at a higher risk of seizures). I know sometimes I just wish I didn't need help with Heriberto and mydaughters..I feel guilty when I have to put things off with them..a pride thing maybe that I have to work on:) Thank GOD for the awesome neighbors I have..but I have some pretty crappy ones too. I guess the good thing is we're not home yet.. and one day we will have a place of pure peace:) I cannot wait!!:) Here's to better days ahead<3