
Stroke Survivor - female
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About TahoeGirl

  • Birthday 08/02/1972

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  1. Happy Anniversary TahoeGirl!

  2. Happy Anniversary TahoeGirl!

  3. Happy Birthday TahoeGirl!

  4. I can't believe it's been exactly 1 year today since I've had my stroke. I thought I'd wake up and feel relieved, but felt more anxious somehow. I heard multiple times, "1st year is the hardest"...well I hope so because I MADE IT. Only difference between now and 1 year ago is I take 3 medications a day and am 15lbs heavier! But, I'll take the weight over being mentally stable any day. Thankful for what I do have and what I can do. Today, I did exactly what I did a year ago, in fact, I even wore the same sweater and boots I wore on stroke day. I got up, went to work, went to boot camp, and came back to work, anxiously awaiting the time to pass when I had my stroke. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for this message board so I thank all of you for posting and responding to all the concerns and questions. Here is to many more years......
  5. So happy to hear you are doing better. Keep the faith...one day at a time!
  6. You are amazing and strong! So proud of you. I think you would be crazy not to feel a bit of sadness.
  7. Not a New Zealander but been to Australia and New Zealand way back in my 20's! Hope to go back some day. Brought back memories reading of King's Cross (we partied there also our first night we got to Australia!) Spent 6 lovely weeks in New Zealand touring the beautiful country. The company I work from has a partnership with Villa Maria Estate from NZ, their sauvignon blanc is amazing!
  8. What can I say, this has been the roughest week yet since my stroke. My anxiety and depression have really escalated the past week. I saw my doctor and just started taking Zoloft. I understand it takes a bit to kick in. I've lost my appetite and nothing sounds good. It took all my will just to get out of bed and come to work today. I am seeing a therapist this afternoon so hope that will help to talk to someone. My mind has just been going crazy lately, don't know if it's stroke recovery or what's going on. Just want to be happy again. I've got 3 girls relying on me and much supportive family. We leave for AZ on vacation this Monday, which may be a part of the anxiety, but I know it will be good to get away. I didn't realize how hard mental recovery is, and how difficult it is to get through each day.
  9. Hi- I can totally relate, the worst part is NOT having answers, as is the same with me. My doctor just says to give it time (I had a stroke on 1/3/13). I am 40 and have 3 daughters, youngest one is 3. I know it is difficult but find it a true blessing you have your 2 yr old to focus on to keep you distracted. Distraction, keeping busy, and this website have been the best methods for me. I find the more I sit and think about it the more anxiety I get. Am I feeling light headed, dizzy, you can completely work yourself up over it. I too have been suffering for headaches since the stroke and just yesterday was so happy as it had been almost a few weeks since last headache. Then last night woke up with a crushing one and can't seem to shake it. Good to know people have commented that they are common after a stroke. Why don't the doctors tell you that? I came to this website after by bff told me I needed to talk to someone about what I was going through. I bet your little guy is thrilled you are around. Keep positive, keep posting and reading, keep distracted, and rest when you can!