
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by potterb68

  1. Again, my thanks for supportive words here. I have decided that, having started on wordpress, I shall continue there - the mechanics of posting in two places are more than I want to get into. Wrestling with the quirks of one site is enough for me, and I make mistakes which I have to go back and correct - doing that once is enough, without putting myself under pressure to do it twice.


    Also, I hope that using an 'open' web log site may mean that I pick up a few 'casual' readers - we shall see.


    If anyone on this site wishes to follow me on http://strokesurvivorblog.wordpress.com/ then they would be most welcome, and I don't feel too bad asking you to make the small extra one-off effort of 'following' me over there! Comments will be most welcome, too - it helps me feel less isolated, and I pray it may benefit you too.


    Again, my thanks - and happy reading!

