
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About JeanMC

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  1. JeanMC

    Happy Anniversary JeanMC!

  2. JeanMC

    Happy Anniversary JeanMC!

  3. Hello, it has taken me over 10 months to realize that I need to tell my story. It has been 10 months filled with every emotion, many of which I have never experienced before. It is my hope that not only can I help others who are sent on the path that I have traveled, but that I may receive guidance and support from those who are on the same path ahead of me. I realized only recently that it is very lonely to walk, crawl, and run on this path alone, not knowing where to turn - there have been many intersections, forks in the road, and I believe that I went in circles in a rotary a few times not knowing where and when to make my exit. I've traveled in darkness and in fog that has forced me stop in my tracks leading to a "time out" of tears or perhaps a moment to scream out loud before i continue on again...I don't rest for long. Alas, there are those days - the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing - I am filled with hope, there is nothing that can stop me - I am energized, and I can carry on ready to meet and defeat the next challenge. These are the days that are few to come by, but these days cancel out the rough days ten-fold, maybe name is Jean, I am married to David and we have two boys, 10 and 13 years old. On July 21, 2012, David had a stroke.