
Stroke Survivor - female
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About PowayKim

  • Birthday 12/07/1961

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  • Stroke Anniversary (first stroke)
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  • Interests
    gardening, reading, cooking
  • How did you find us?

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New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary PowayKim!

  2. Happy Anniversary PowayKim!

  3. So sorry for your loss! I recently lost my favorite uncle, and I have not called my aunt yet because I can't talk when I cry and can't stop crying when I start. Darn emotional lability! Darn stroke!
  4. Happy Birthday PowayKim!

  5. I loved cooking too. Now I hate cooking, but I find it is not as much the stroke as the difference between WANTING to cook and HAVING to cook.
  6. Happy Birthday PowayKim!

  7. David, We are happy you found us no matter what quantity of limitations you have!!
  8. I tell my husband (who is very allergic to cats) that when he goes, I'm getting 10 cats!
  9. PowayKim


    I have been on that Hoover Dam Road many times. My husband and I have some properties and land in Prescott AZ. We will probably spend Thanksgiving there or gold prospecting near Yuma. I sure will miss decorating for Christmas as soon as the Turkey Day dishes are done!
  10. PowayKim

    A Stroke Is No Joke!

    Fred, It is scary to be sick post-stroke. Take care of yourself! Get better--our prayers are with you.
  11. Happy Anniversary! How are you doing 3+ posr-stroke?