
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Comments posted by mynorthstarmaxwell

  1. Good Afternoon everyone and thanks for the feedbacks....I am doing much better today. Some days are much better than others. And SandyCaregiver, I think you are right about him ready to do things for himself, because from what I see at his ST sessions, its boring him and he's not feeling like its helping him much. He acutally does better with conversating with me. I do know it will be a long journey for both him and I, and from what my oberservations of his progress....he's doing WAY better. So, baby-steps...

    He does dress himself, able to put his shoes and leg brace on, take a shower and helps out with loading the dirty dishes in and putting away clean. And when I do the laundry, he helps with the socks and putting his laundry I know he's trying.


    I just needed a venting session...hope everyone is having a nice weekend

  2. @englishlady....thank you, I will be updating on here. Already it has help me to feel that it wasnt my fault for his stroke, I know people say or react differently when something traumatic as this has happened to someone dear to them but I feel like I have alot of sorrow and anger towards his parents. They have said some really nasty and unnecessary things towards me and its always on the back of my mind, no matter how much I tell myself or my friends that i had nothing to do with his stroke, it still hurts.

  3. @nancy....thanks nancy, i appreciate you expressing your true emotions because like you say people outside of "stroke" have no idea what it feels like or all that I have to take on. I not only work a F/T job but charles is my other F/T job once i do come home. I know its hard on him to feel so helpless towards me and the LONG hours I put in....I do it cause for my love for him and to let him know that I'm here til the end, that life is worth looking forward to each day. I have days when I cry to myself and ask "why does our live have to be so difficult all the time"...I know everyone's has a story to where they are now. And I am very grateful to have found this support online group, its what I need at this moment and probably even after Charles gets better.

    Charles is very into music, so he listens to it 24/7, he loves ESPN and his phillies...we just recently went to a phillies game, it was a 7pm game, drove up and back. It was so well worth it, he was very emotional about it and while expressing himself, he would cry, which made me cry! I just wipe away both our tears and try to cheer him right up again.

  4. thanks everyone for your supportive really does make me feel better after reading everyone's stories and the feed-back I've gotten so far.

    my fiance's name is Charles :), he loves putting Lego's together which he's done most on his own with soley his left arm. He can understand most of what I say to him but just have a hard time recalling words or saying what he wants. He does have a hard time with reading the aphabet letters and numbers. Since he likes Lego's so much, I came across a Lego calender, where he would have to break down the lego and build the calender up again with each month....I've been reading and heard that it takes 6months for the brain to heal and the thing is, Charles had to go back in in Sept of 2012 for a second surgery, so that kinda set things back for him, as far as healing goes.

    But we remain positive...some days are better than others.

    Its great to hear him say my name again...he couldnt remember my name for the longest time. while he was rehabing with his parents, they didnt want him to ever mention my name or use it, as if I never existed in his was hard to deal with them.